When creating a business, entrepreneurs believe that their companies need a new logo, although they do not always understand why. To some, it seems just a beautiful picture or a set of symbols, but for some it is a trademark of the company. Many consider the process of designing a logo to be a simple task and prefer to do it on their own. Beginning entrepreneurs often do not want to turn to professionals, considering the prices for their services to be too high. In this article, you will learn why you need a logo and each of the ways to create a logo.
Why do you need a logo?
A logo is a trademark associated with a particular brand. A logo is not just a pretty picture or a set of symbols. It doesn’t have to be complicated and fancy.
The main functions performed by a well-made logo:
- Helps you stand out from the competition. A logo is the first thing a customer notices when they get to know a company. Subconsciously, people associate it with the goods and services offered, making a choice based on their impression. Therefore, it is necessary that the logo provokes only positive emotions.
- Availability of legal guarantees of ownership. The logo also belongs to the company, as well as all the products it produces. Based on this, it may be some way to protect the rights to the goods. If the logo is used by another company, you can sue it.
- Increasing the level of customer confidence. Not all companies have a logo, but if you are focused on quality and the love of your target audience, you need to create one. Buyers show more confidence in products with a logo. It is unlikely that you yourself prefer to buy products without such identification marks.
- With the help of the logo, you can create an unusual image for the product, endowing it with a distinctive mark. For example, the well-known “apple”. Many consumers buy laptops from this brand, without even paying attention to their characteristics.
- The logo can significantly help in the process of promoting a product or service, as it is placed on all advertising materials and in social networks. It should be easy to remember so that when talking about the brand, a person can easily describe it.
Ways to create a logo
There are three ways to create a logo: contact the designers, draw it yourself, or use the online designer.
Logo from designers
You can contact an agency, a design studio, or a specific specialist. If you choose the latter, you will have access to examples of his work for consideration. When you apply to an agency, this option is not available. You will review the work of the team.
You can find a studio or an individual designer on specialized platforms (for example, Behance or Dribble), a freelance exchange, or using a search engine.
If you use a search engine, it is better to read the reviews and ratings of all the agencies or professionals that interest you.
When choosing a contractor, it is worth talking with several candidates at once, comparing prices and portfolios. Also, pay attention to the speed of the response. Some freelancers do not get in touch for several days, or even disappear.
The advantage of working with professionals is the ability to get a logo without any specialized skills and knowledge. Disadvantages – solid financial costs.
We create a logo yourself
To draw a logo yourself, you will need at least basic artistic skills and the ability to work in graphic programs, such as online logo maker tools.
First of all, you need to understand the goal and determine the direction. What do you want to convey to the client? After answering this question, proceed to the selection of the right tools.
The font is an important part of the logo. It affects a person’s emotions. Different fonts have different effects, so you need to choose the right one, depending on what kind of reaction you want to get.
There is an easy way to help you find the right option:
- Choose ten words that describe your business and its benefits;
- Write them in different fonts and look at them carefully.
Thus, you will understand which one is more suitable.
Sources of inspiration
You can create an inspiration board which is a great source for creative ideas. Place various images on it that are associated with your organization or work activity.
All experienced designers recommend that you first draw the logo with a simple pencil on paper. Do not limit your imagination, try different options. Create at least a dozen different drafts.
First of all, you need to create a frame and then fill the rest of the space. Experiment and start again until you are completely satisfied with the result.
Digitizing a drawing
At this stage, you will need skills in working with special graphic programs. You need to scan the image and turn it into an electronic version of the logo.
When all the work on creating a logo is completed, check how it will look on various elements of the company’s image (business cards, documents, and so on). Show the logo to people you know (it’s good if they have some knowledge and skills in the field of marketing and design) and ask them for their opinion.
The advantages of this method are the lack of financial costs and complete control over the process. Cons – you need to have skills in drawing and working with graphics programs.
Online constructor
With the help of an online designer, you can get some great design options in a short time. Moreover, the tools are provided at a relatively low cost. With the help of a smart logo generator based on artificial intelligence, the service will select for you what you like.
Creating a logo using the online designer is very simple:
- Enter the company name.
- Choose a logo icon.
- Choose a color palette.
- Customize your logo design.
- Download the file.
Among the advantages of this method is accessibility and quick results. Plus, you don’t need any design skills. This method has no significant drawbacks, especially if you use the service with the most favorable conditions.
The logo is the face of the company. Whatever development method you choose, you should pay enough attention to this task. Well, we wish you success!