You all probably already know how big and popular YouTube is as a video sharing social media platform. The solution to almost any question in the world is available through videos on YouTube. YouTube has millions of users, some of whom use YouTube just to watch videos, while others make a lot of money from YouTube. Today’s discussion is going to be very important for you if you are using YouTube and if you have a channel on YouTube or you want to open a channel. Most people want to make money from youtube and create a channel on youtube to make their channel popular on youtube. Creating a channel on YouTube is a very easy task but making that channel viral to a lot of people is not an easy task on YouTube. If you have a channel on YouTube and you make videos on your YouTube channel and post them, many people will have to watch your video to make it viral. If a video doesn’t get enough views on YouTube, the video doesn’t go viral. But still not many people know how to make a video on YouTube and get a lot of views on the video.

What a way to increase views on YouTube?

There are several strategies you can use to increase the views of your videos on YouTube. Here are the strategies you need to keep in mind to increase your views on YouTube.

YouTube video quality: Video viewers are usually more interested in watching videos that have much better quality on YouTube. Many people may think that video quality is just video resolution, sound, what it looks like. Video quality is not only about these but also about the content of the video. Most of the views of any video on YouTube depend on the content of that video. If you create a video on YouTube, the content of that video must be unique, then that video will go viral very easily. 

Title and thumbnail: Video thumbnails and titles are important for creating views on YouTube videos. Any viewer on YouTube basically clicks on a video based on these two things. Thumbnails are commonly called YouTube video posters. The title is a beautiful word or sentence that corresponds to the video you are going to make. If you add a nice thumbnail and title to your YouTube video, viewers will be more interested in watching your video and your video will see more. 

Hashtags and keywords: When you post a video on YouTube, you must use hashtags and keywords in that video. If you use hashtags and keywords in your video, your video will be easily found and viewed by most viewers. 

Purchasing viewers: If your YouTube channel is new and your video is not enough, you can buy cheap views. But if you want to buy a view on YouTube, you have to spend a certain amount of money. Purchasing views on YouTube is the easiest way to increase views on YouTube.

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