For anyone who works in marketing, keeping up with trends can be a full-time job. Just in 2022 alone, trends have evolved so much that any marketing strategy done in 2020 – 2021 has probably become obsolete.
So if you want to succeed in such a fast-paced environment, you should always aim to stay ahead of the curve. We know that’s easier said than done and that’s why we’ve put together this article. We’ll give you some very useful tips and tricks on how to build a bulletproof marketing strategy in 2022.
Why a good marketing strategy matters.
The most important function of a marketing strategy is to reach your target audience. That’s what you should focus on and should be the ultimate goal. Keep in mind that your audience includes both the people who have never heard of your brand and the loyal customers.
If you don’t have a clear strategy, it will be just like tossing things at a wall to see what sticks. And this will cost you precious time, money and resources that would have otherwise been put to good use. That being said, a solid marketing strategy will bring the following benefits:
- Aligning the entire team to specific goals;
- Finding out and testing what works on specific audiences;
- Connecting your efforts to the business objectives.
Before we start planning, here are a few tools that can help you plan your marketing strategy:
- Graphs and diagrams such as Venn diagrams or storyboards;
- Flow carts that you can build using a flow chart template;
- Mind maps that help you come up with ideas.
Now that you know why a good marketing strategy is important, it’s time we learn how to come up with one. So keep on reading to find out more!
Start planning.
Naturally, the first step in creating a marketing strategy is planning. This is the right time to figure out what you want to achieve with your strategy. When figuring out these goals, keep in mind that they should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound – in a word, SMART.
These goals should of course work well together and complement each other. They need to create both internal and external harmony, weaving a consistent story that you’re going to tell your customers.
Know your audience.
If you want your message to reach your audience, make sure you know those people first. First and foremost, identify the main demographic you’re targeting. For example, if your business sells quick meals, then you might want to talk to the people who work 9-to-5 office jobs and don’t have time to cook for themselves.
Once you know who your audience is, find out what makes them tick. What passions they have, what drives them and even what annoys them. Then, tailor your message and your strategy based on that information. You should always know how to talk to the people you’re trying to sell a product to. Your strategy will then become relatable and when people can relate to you, they’re more likely to buy from you.
Know your competition.
If you want a bulletproof marketing strategy, it’s never a bad idea to have a look at what your “neighbors” are doing. In this case, the neighbors are your competition. Why does that matter? Because first of all, it will help you differentiate your brand by not saying the same things.
Then, it might even give you new ideas on what works and how you should be talking to your customers. Last but not least, competition analysis is a great way to learn from someone else’s mistakes so you can avoid them.
Choose the right methods.
Once you’ve chosen your audience and got to know them personally, it’s time to pick the best marketing method that works for your brand. The success of your marketing strategy depends greatly on where you talk to your customers.
For example, if your audience is made of baby boomers, it might not be such a great idea to communicate with them on TikTok. Traditional TV and radio advertising works best here, along with social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.
It’s also extremely important to figure out early on which marketing areas you’ll invest most resources in. This should help you get a better idea on how much time, money and resources you should be spending on departments such as PR, SEO, content marketing, BTL, ATL or community management.
Monitor the results.
If you don’t keep a close eye on the results, all your efforts will be in vain. We know this might sound like obvious advice but you’d be surprised to find out how many people release their strategies in the wild without monitoring them. It’s incredibly important you stay updated with the smallest changes or possible results so you can adjust the strategy accordingly.
We recommend periodical evaluations, once a week or once a month. Then, at the end of the campaign, you can use those to draw a line and find out what worked and what didn’t. This will help you improve the next marketing strategy.
Our Final Thoughts
It might sound obvious but a solid marketing strategy is a great foundation for any prospering and growing business. And now that you have a better idea on how to create the ultimate bulletproof marketing strategy for your startup or business it’s time you take it to the world.
Even if you already have a marketing strategy set up, we’re sure you can improve it greatly by following the advice we’ve given in this article. All in all, you need to have a solid plan, know your audience and constantly monitor the results.