The so-called pain body is a spiritual concept, invisible to our bare eyes. It is the emotional pain and anger we gathered in the past that accumulated in our energetic field, and we didn’t know how to release it. Although it is not visible, you could sense it as painful physical pressures in your body and mental suffering. It’s a kind of cell memory that controls our thoughts and emotions. This article could help you to overcome getting flooded by negative emotions.
Most of our pain is in vain. We suffer because we haven’t gained control over our minds. Our pain creates a negative energy field, the pain body. Our current pain is always the consequence of not accepting something, mostly a subconscious resistance to something in our lives. On the thought level resistance is a form of judgment, on an emotional level resistance is a form of negativity.
Resisting the Present Moment
The intensity of your pain depends on how much you resist the present moment, and how much you identify with your mind. Your mind will always aspire to reject and escape the present. In other words, the more you identify with your mind, the more you suffer. The more you accept and appreciate the present, the freer you can be from pain and suffering. Some spiritual teachings claim that all pain is ultimately an illusion. That’s true. The question is, is this also your truth?
Photo by ALEXANDRE DINAUT on Unsplash
Do you want to live in pain for the rest of your life while still believing it’s an illusion? Can this thinking save you from your pain? How could you grasp this and apply it to your life? It can be quite hard for all of us not to identify ourselves with our mind, yet our pain is inevitable that way. Although the article is about emotional pain foremost, it causes physical pain and conditions.
Manifesting Pain by Feeling Low
You can manifest pain through feeling resentment, hatred, self-pity, guilt, anger, depression, envy, and even the slightest irritability. On the other hand, feeling pleasure or emotional upheaval also carries the core of pain, as its inseparable opposite, which also manifests over time.
Anyone who has ever tried any kind of drug, knows exactly that feeling high is inevitably followed by a low state.
Pleasure eventually transforms into some form of pain. Many people know by experience how easily and quickly an intimate relationship can change from a source of pleasure to a source of pain. Both the negative and positive sides belong to the same magnet similar to our human positive and negative qualities. Both are part of the underlying pain that is inseparable from the egoic state that identifies with the mind.
Types of Pain and Resistance
There are two levels to your pain: the pain you are creating now, and the pain from the past that still lives in your mind and body. When it comes to resistance, we also have two types: the first type, when your mind and body resists what could be good for you. In this case, you must find a way to detach from your mind by understanding you are not your thoughts. The other type of resistance can be more beneficial, it seeks to clarify things through persistence, durability, patience, and understanding.
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash
Until you can access the power of your present, all your emotional pain will keep living in you, at least partly. The trouble is, your current pain merges with your past pains which are already deeply rooted in your mind and body. This also goes back to your childhood which could be badly affected by the unconscious world we live in. This negative energy field occupies your mind and body, which we refer to as the pain body. It can be in dormant or active states.
Dormant and Active States
You could live 90% of your entire lifespan in a dormant state of your pain body when you don’t sense much of this pain, while a deeply unhappy person could live 100% of life from their painful emotional state. There are huge differences in our ability to be happy; some of us experience our lives almost exclusively through our pain body, while others only experience it only in certain situations…
Mostly in intimate relationships, past situations related to losses, abandonment, physical or emotional abuse. Anything can trigger activation of the pain body, especially if the event coincides with a pain trigger you have already experienced. Your pain body is so sensitive that even a thought or an innocent remark from someone close to you can wake it up from its dormant state.
Observe Your Negative States!
Observe the slightest sign of your unhappiness, whatever form it may be, as it may mean that your pain body has been triggered! You could feel irritability, impatience, a gloomy mood, a desire to hurt, anger, rage, depression, causing some drama in your relationship… You should catch your pain body while it is waking from its dormant state! Your pain body wants to survive like any separate entity, and it can only happen if you identify with it subconsciously.
You can only feed your pain body with additional pain like anger, destructiveness, hate, grief, emotional drama, violence, and even illness. When your pain body takes over control, it creates such situations in your life that reflect back its frequency. It can only stay alive that way. Pain can only feed on pain. Pain cannot feed on joy, and cannot digest joy. Once it has taken over control, you long for more and more pain!! You could become a victim or a perpetrator…
You would either want to cause pain, or suffer from it, or both. In fact, there is not much difference between the two. Of course, you’re not consciously aware of this and you would object to it saying you wouldn’t want pain! But if you take a closer look, you’ll realize that your thinking and behavior are just maintaining pain for yourself and others! If you were truly aware of this, you would have better chances of haltering your pain! Before it destroys you.
Overcoming You Pain Body
Your pain body, as part of the shadow side of the ego, is terrified by the light of your consciousness. It doesn’t want you to see through it. Its survival merely depends on your unconscious identifying with it and being afraid to face your unconscious fear. However, if you don’t face your fear on a conscious level, you will be forced to experience it over and over again. Once you fight your battle with it, only then can you move on!
Your pain body may seem like a dangerous monster that you are upset about! But I can assure you that it’s just an insignificant phantom that can’t cope with the power of your Presence. When you manage to look at yourself as an observer, separate from your pain body, your pain body will
still try to trick you into controlling yourself. Although you have become strong enough not to identify with it anymore, it could still have a bit of energy, causing you temporary physical aches.