Starting your morning right is important because it sets the tone for the rest of the day. Whether you are a morning person or not, we often wake up feeling lethargic. Having a great morning routine leaves you feeling energetic and makes you ready for the day. But how can you make your morning healthy? Eating a healthy breakfast with nutrient-rich coffee flavored almonds is one way to have a healthy start to the day. There are some other morning rituals too that you should adopt in your everyday life.
Here are the best and healthy ways to begin your day.
Wake up Early
If you are an early riser, then congratulations because you are leading an active lifestyle. There are countless advantages to waking up early in the morning. This morning ritual is key to productivity for many successful people. Getting up early in the morning gives a perfect head start to your day and more time in hand to do your daily chores. It lets you perform your morning routine in a leisurely and calm manner without having to rush. With extra time in hand, you can easily do your morning workouts. Moreover, you get more time to decide what you want to have in your breakfast, whether you will have berry nuts, protein pancakes, or something else. Along with productivity, rising early also improves sleep quality and mental health. So, be the early riser to kick off your day in the right manner.
Drink Right
What would be your answer if I ask you what is the first thing you drink when you wake up? Most people will answer either tea or coffee. But that is not the right way to start your day. Water is the best drink to begin your day with! So, put your caffeine aside and include warm water in your morning routine. Your body functions even while you are asleep. To carry out metabolic activities and other bodily functions effectively, your body needs sufficient water. When you wake up in the morning, rehydrating yourself should be your first task. Not even juice or sugary beverages can be a good substitute for water. You can add a pinch of lemon to your lukewarm water for further health benefits. Besides providing vitamin C, lemon water cleanses and stimulates your body’s organs.
Maintain Good Oral Hygiene
Brushing teeth is a daily morning ritual that you can’t miss. It is one of those first things that you are being taught in your childhood. You should adopt the habit of brushing your teeth as soon as you wake up in the morning. While you are asleep, a film of bacteria called plaque builds in your mouth. To prevent this plaque buildup, you need to brush your teeth immediately after waking up. Once you brush your teeth, a protective layer of fluoride guards against the acids and sugars that get in your mouth. After brushing for at least 2 minutes, you also need to scrape your tongue to prevent toxins from reabsorbing into your body. Besides, don’t forget to floss daily, especially after eating something, and maintain your oral hygiene.
Plan Healthy Breakfast
You have already heard a hundred times that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, some people still ignore this fact and skip this meal. A healthy breakfast helps to reduce obesity as it keeps you less hungry throughout the day. Moreover, it improves your concentration and replenishes you with lots of energy for the entire day. Your healthy breakfast should include lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains. There are plenty of healthy breakfast options, including avocado, egg toast, oatmeal, quinoa, fruit salad, trail mix with berry nuts, and more. Also, try to include nuts in your daily breakfast as they are a great source of antioxidants and rich in essential nutrients. There are many interesting ways to consume nuts. For example, you can have coffee flavored almonds or include almonds in your smoothie.
Stretch or Exercise
Your morning routine is incomplete if it does not include exercise or some sort of physical activity. Starting your day with a good workout session not only makes you energetic but also keeps you fit and boosts your endorphins which improves your mood. It can be challenging for some to wake up early and take out time for a workout session. But no matter how hard it is, you have to spend some time stretching and doing exercise. Apart from doing physical exercise, you should also devote some time to meditation. It calms your mind and helps to reduce stress.
These are some super-healthy ways to kick off your morning. Inculcate these morning habits into your daily lives to have a great day! So, wake up early, drink warm water, follow oral hygiene practices, do exercise, and make sure to have a healthy breakfast. Apart from them, limit the use of electronics in the morning. We know it is tempting to go through your social media accounts on your mobile phones in the morning. But trust us when we say that you are just wasting your time and becoming more lethargic by doing so. Furthermore, planning your entire day in the morning is a great way to eliminate the hassle and manage your priorities. You can give We202 EMS training a try if you are looking for a form of workout where the efforts are low, but the results are high! This is a new and innovative fitness regimen that is gaining popularity in different parts of the world.