When you look at a mirror, many times you would have wished you were a little bit taller. But you don’t have control over this body aspect of height. Several factors contribute to our overall body height. Genes play an important role in deciding body height. Yes, our genes have an impact of 60-80 percent height and this genes factor cannot be controlled by us.
People who lie between the ages of 1 and puberty grow up to 2” taller every year. After reaching puberty, only 4% of people see an increase in their height till 18 years. Then, there will be a slow drop in the growth and gradually it stops growing.
But the question remains can we increase our body height? The height of the body is controlled by the human growth hormone (HGH). This hormone is excreted by the pituitary gland. Low levels of the hormone cause short height conditions while high levels of the hormone cause giantism. Thus, regulating human growth hormones can help in increasing height. It is found that 20-40 percent contribution to the body height depends on factors like diet, healthy lifestyle, exercises, etc. that can be controlled by us.
So you may increase a few inches in your height by doing some simple changes in your lifestyle routine, and nutrition. Here, we will discuss how to increase height by following some natural methods without stimulating any harm to the body.
Perform regular exercise
One of the benefits of doing regular exercises is an increase in body height. Body exercise naturally promotes health, strengthens bones, muscles, and helps to maintain a healthy weight. To improve your overall health, you should stay physically active. Exercises strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation and strengthen bones. All these factors help in increasing body height by stimulating human growth hormones.
It is recommended to do regular exercises since childhood for a good body height. But even in adulthood regular exercise may help in increasing a few inches to your height. Doing yoga, biking, strengthening exercises, may help in increasing your body’s flexibility and growing a few inches taller.
Adopt a protein-rich diet & balanced diet
Our tissues are made up of proteins. Good tissue growth helps in strengthening muscles and bones. This helps in increasing body height. That’s why a protein-enriched diet plan is advised for healthy bones and proper growth and height of our tissues. Fish, beans, milk, tofu, cheese, eggs, chicken, and red meat are protein-rich foods that are advised for increasing body height.
Your diet plate should be balanced and should contain fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, grains and cereals, protein, and dairy products. Avoid saturated fats and high-sugar food products. Remember to keep yourself hydrated.
Follow the right sleep pattern & posture
Your proper height is also dependent on a constant sleep pattern. At nights, the pituitary glands start secreting growth hormones which work to thicken & lengthen bones. Irregular sleep patterns or insomnia deprives the hormone levels. Thus, proper sleep is essential for increasing body height. Moreover, correct sleeping posture also helps in elongating the spine. Sleeping in an incorrect position, improper ways of standing or sitting might strain the spine, neck regions and finally will lead to stunted growth. So, please be careful in your sleep pattern, body posture, and sleep posture to hit the hindrance against growth.
Add up supplements & treatment
You may find a lot of supplements and natural concoctions in the market. But, it is not necessary that these supplements may work for all. getting an electric cruiser bike
Taking vitamin D, calcium supplements and essential vitamins and minerals can help in maintaining good health. These conditions favor human growth hormone secretion increasing height.
Artificial human growth hormone treatment is recommended if one suffers from a condition that affects the pituitary gland resulting in growth hormone abnormalities. Thus, if a person lacks proper human growth hormone (HGH) secretion, then synthetic HGH pills or injections are prescribed by physicians. These must be taken after consultation with authorized health experts.
Yoga Postures
Yes! Yoga is one of the fine ways to grow taller, especially in youngsters. It stretches your spine, lengthens your leg muscles and back, thus improving your posture. It helps in detoxifying your body, thus stimulating your growth cells healthily. Doing regular yoga and asanas helps in reducing stress and relaxes you naturally. This, in turn, helps to release your growth hormones which help in increasing your height naturally.
Surya Namaskar, Tadasana, Natrajasana, Marjariasana, Bhujangaasana are some of the yoga postures that help in to increase height naturally.
Bone care
Finally one should always remember to ensure that you don’t have height loss. As we grow older our bone density decreases and the body strength decreases. This causes a decrease in body height and can make you weaker. Spine compression, Osteoporosis, and other factors make you hunch and eventually cause height to lose to some inches. Thus, take a proper nutritious diet, vitamins, minerals, exercise, and avoid tobacco, to prevent these kinds of bone loss problems.
The bottom line
As a person, you should be self-loving. Your height may differ from another person but you should not feel offended or depressed with your small height. One should also stop bullying and mocking people of small height. We all should create a healthy environment of respecting our bodies. Finally, remember teenagers can expect height growth up to 18 years by adhering to the above-advised methods. After 18 years, height growth cannot be expected as per our wish. So we can aim to respect our body and put in good health practices to lead a healthy and happy life.