Termites are every homeowner’s worst fear, regularly wreaking havoc and costing hundreds of dollars in repairs every year. Termites are easy to spot as adults. However, what about the young termites? Just what do they look like, and what sort of harm do they do? We’ve compiled your most frequently asked questions on spotting them, and provided detailed answers, below. You should get in touch with the termite pest treatment professionals at Pest Aid right away if you see any signs of termite babies in your property. Learn More!
How do young termites appear?
Termite offspring resemble full-grown insects in appearance. They seem quite similar to tiny ants, except that they are whiter and smaller. Their large waist and pale pigmentation are dead giveaways, and they also have straight antennae. Termite nymphs start off light in colour and small, but they quickly mature into their adult forms. These little termites are a warning indication of a possible termite infestation on your home.
Stages in the development of young termites
When a termite egg hatches, it produces a new termite. The rate at which eggs are produced initially is low but quickly increases. Termite queens often lay white eggs that hatch into nymphs. When a termite egg hatches, the infant is taken to a special chamber where it is cared after and nourished.
A termite nymph needs a number of months to reach maturity.
How can you eliminate young termites?
The most efficient method of dealing with a termite infestation is to eliminate the termites while they are still young. Here is the procedure for doing so:
To begin with, use nematodes
As parasitic roundworms, nematodes are responsible for the extinction of the termite. Because of the microorganisms in their digestive systems, these worms are highly effective as a natural pesticide. When a nematode enters the body of a young termite, it feeds on the host’s blood and eventually causes death.
DIY Techniques
Killing the adults will also eliminate the young termites. Use homemade repellents like vinegar and citrus oil for easy do-it-yourself termite treatment. Using commercially available alternatives such as boric acid, fencing, and diatomaceous earth is preferable.
When termite colonies are still young, pest control services can efficiently remove them. They use tried and true methods and materials to locate, eradicate, and prevent further termite infestations. When compared to do-it-yourselfers, their extensive knowledge offers them an edge when fighting pests like termites.