The installation of insulating shutters makes it possible to benefit from national aid which will allow you to reduce the price of your installation of shutters. Back to existing devices.
Are you installing new shutters during renovations? Tax deductions and aid for the installation of insulating shutters are possible to reduce the cost of installation. Methods of obtaining and steps to be taken: quickly discover all these aids for replacing shutters.
The installation and replacement of PVC Shutters entitle you to financial aid such as reduced VAT, eco-PTZ, and aid from Anah (assigned under criteria). Please note that the rolling shutter tax credit is maintained only in the context of housing accessibility work for people with reduced mobility.
Shutters: Eco-PTZ
The installation of shutters allows you to benefit from the Eco-Loan at zero rates provided you meet the following conditions:
replace at least half of the single-glazed windows and patio doors leading to the exterior;
Install insulating shutters displaying specific performance criteria.
The zero-rate Eco-Loan allows you to benefit from a maximum amount of €30,000 to be repaid over 10 years. Note that since September 1, 2014, the selection of files is no longer carried out by the bank, but by the company that will be in charge of your work. All the more reason to go through a qualified professional.
The Eco-PTZ is only granted as additional work associated with the work of “efficient thermal insulation of at least half of the glazed walls”. An additional Eco-Loan can be granted 5 years after the first request, but the total amount to be repaid cannot still exceed €30,000.
Tax credit components 2022
Are our roller shutters eligible for the tax credit ? It all depends on the device. In 2022, you will unfortunately no longer be able to benefit from the energy transition tax credit (CITE). This system was abolished on January 1, 2018. As was the energy bonus for rolling shutters. It should also be noted that the CITE will disappear in 2022 to make way for the MaprimeRenov system.
However, an electric roller shutter tax credit will be maintained in 2022 as part of accessibility work equipping the housing of an elderly or disabled person. This “rolling shutters” aid concerns both the purchase and installation of electric rolling shutters and the motorization of shutters.
Installation of shutters
The installation of insulating shutters can also enable you to benefit from subsidies from the Anah (National Agency for the Improvement of Habitat) within the framework of its program “Habiter Mieux” (set of works allowing to achieve an energy gain of at least 25%). This work can cover up to 50% of the amount of work to install insulating PVC Plantation Shutters. This aid for the installation of insulating shutters is subject to a ceiling of resources, subject to the eligibility of the applicant.
Good to know: the subsidy is paid at the end of the work, but an advance can be granted on derogation before the work begins.
Reduced VAT for installing shutters
The tax credit for roller shutters has been abolished but the ecological VAT at 5.5% applies to the installation of insulating shutters. Insulating shutters must:
be installed by an RGE craftsman,
placed in a house built more than two years ago,
respect the following performances: R > 0.22 m2.K/W (same rolling shutter thermal coefficient as for the tax credit suspended in 2018).
You can be the owner residing in your home or renting it, renting or even occupying the house or apartment free of charge.
Apart from this case, you still benefit from a favorable VAT for the installation of rolling shutters in renovation: VAT at the intermediate rate of 10%. This VAT rate is deducted from the cost of labor but also from the price of the shutters invoiced by the installer.
What document must be completed to benefit from reduced VAT on roller shutters? If the cost of installing your roller shutter is less than €300, the detailed invoice from the craftsman is sufficient. Beyond that, you will have to complete a simplified certificate referenced 1301-SD. This certificate to be given to the professional before the end of the work will certify that your accommodation is more than two years old and that it is mainly intended for housing.
Aids specific to rolling or motorized shutters
To support people with a loss of autonomy or with a disability, many organizations are likely to pay aid for the installation of roller shutters.
Disability Compensation Benefit (PCH)
The installation of an electric roller shutter that is easier to handle than a manual roller shutter may, first of all, give rise to the payment of a Disability Compensation Benefit (PCH). This benefit paid by your department is personalized to take your needs into account. The motorized roller shutter can be taken over at 100%. You must apply to the Departmental House for Disabled Persons (MDPH).
The PCH can be combined with the tax credit for roller shutters, but the amount of the benefit will be deducted from the amount of the work used as the basis for calculating the tax deduction.
Rolling shutter tax credit 2022
In 2022, motorized shutters and motorized roller shutters remain eligible for tax credits provided they are installed as part of housing accessibility work for people with reduced motor skills.
The rate of this rolling shutter tax credit is 25% of the number of expenses
The aid is capped at €5,000 for a single person, €10,000 for a couple, and an increase of €400 per dependent or €200 per child in shared custody. This ceiling concerns all accessibility work carried out over the last 5 years.
The installation of roller shutters and the motorization of shutters thus makes it possible to benefit from a tax credit of 25%, and this without requiring the presence of a disabled person in the tax household.