Your teeth play an important role in boosting your appearance, smile, digestion, and improving how you speak. However, losing one or more teeth can be devastating. Most patients with this problem often seek restorative dental solutions to correct the problem and improve their self-confidence. There are many cosmetic and restorative dental procedures, including dental implants. Dental implants are recommended for patients looking for permanent solutions to their teeth problems. You can see some of the best teeth transformations here.
Yes, this excerpt below is about implants but when it comes to dental beauty, you can also get some of the best results with braces. You can find many dentists heartily advocate braces in Singapore over any other procedure.
In the sections below, you’ll learn more about dental implants as a restorative dentistry solution for correcting teeth problems and making them perfect.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants have been around for over three decades. The dental appliance offers a solution to many patients’ crooked or missing teeth problems. People who have lost one or more of their teeth can rely on dental implants as a permanent restorative solution to their dental problems.
Dental implants involve the installation of a metal post (using a biocompatible material) into the jawbone and beneath the gums. The metal post connects the abutment and the dental crown, which will be installed later.
Dental implants allow patients to enjoy natural-looking teeth without the common embarrassments associated with other restorative options.
How do Dental Implants work?
Dental implants are a permanent restorative option for people who have lost one or more of their teeth to age, genetics, impact or trauma, etc. The goal of this restorative procedure is to mimic the natural teeth.
Dentists often use a biocompatible material, which can be titanium or zygomatic implants. This material is installed into the jawbone to serve as the root of the teeth. Patients who have lost their teeth for some time may suffer from jawbone shrinkage due to lack of stimulation. Affected persons may undergo a preliminary bone grafting procedure before the implants are installed.
After installing the implants, the dentist gives the patient time to heal and the biocompatible material to fuse with the jaw bone. The fusion process is known as osteointegration. Once securely fused, an abutment is added on, and then the desired number of crowns is added.
Dental implants are secure and firm. This means they offer a wider array of benefits to patients, especially those wishing to regain their beautiful smiles. The procedure is perfect for single and multiple tooth restorations.
Types of Dental Implants
Patients visiting their dentist for dental implant procedures are likely to be educated on the available types. The two major types of dental implants include;
Endosteal Implants: This type of implant is usually installed directly into the patient’s jawbone. A second surgery is required to connect the post to the original implant. The second surgery may be done weeks or months after the surrounding gum tissues fully heal. The third stage involves installing an artificial tooth or teeth to the post. For multiple losses, a bridge or denture may be installed.
Subperiosteal implants: This requires a metal frame to be fitted into the patient’s jawbone, below the gum tissue. The metal frame with posts attached fixes into the jawbone as the gum heals around it. Artificial teeth are then installed on the posts to fill the affected area.
Why dental implants have become popular
Dental implants have become a popular restorative dentistry solution for many. Some of the reasons include;
Natural look and comfortable fit
Dental implants are designed to come out looking like natural teeth. This means that patients can smile better and enjoy restored confidence without worrying about being spotted. In addition, the design is often comfortable.
Long-lasting and reliable
Dental implants can last as long as possible. Their durability is one more reason why dentists recommend them, especially to patients looking for a permanent restorative solution. In addition, dental implants are easy to manage. The restorative procedure does not require any special care.
High success rate
Dental implant procedures are highly calculatable. The procedure has a high success rate and high satisfaction rate. Patients can feel more confident knowing that the outcome is guaranteed to look like their natural teeth.
Natural-like functions
Implants are installed deep into the jawbone, thus mimicking the natural teeth and their function. Due to the post-installation into the jawbone, patients can expect a more powerful bite force and better jawbone stimulation. With dental implants, you no longer have to worry about pole shifts or bone resorption.
Improved facial and bone features
Failing to address missing teeth problems can lead to bone resorption. Bone resorption happens when the jawbone in the affected area fails to feel stimuli. Resorption will usually affect the patient’s appearance. With dental implants, you can significantly reduce or eliminate this problem.