Cigarette smoke contains the chemical component nicotine, which has a poor reputation due to its use in cigarettes. Contrary to popular assumption, the highly addictive chemical is not the sole cause of the adverse effects of smoking. Eight million people die each year from the combination of toxins in tobacco. Many smoking illnesses can be traced back to inhaling smoke that has been burned, which results in the buildup of an extremely sticky tar substance in the airways.
Each person has to decide for themselves whether or not they think it’s a good idea to vape without nicotine. As an example, you may desire to reduce your nicotine intake since you’ve become overly dependent on breathing things. Addiction levels vary depending on whether you’re a current or former smoker who’s also a vaper. Since vaping does not include nicotine, the majority of the substances in e-liquids are natural, but we’ll get to that in a minute. As a result, it’s critical to take a cautious approach to all of your health-related decisions, starting with how nicotine affects the body.
Do Vaping and Nicotine Affect Your Health?
Stopping smoking is the best thing you can do for your short- and long-term health, regardless of whether you are a casual or a chain smoker. You’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner after seeing the effects in just 30 days. The heart is one example of an organ that sees rapid improvement. The British Heart Foundation has found that ‘vaping may be less damaging to your blood vessels than smoking cigarettes’.
Lung X-rays from a Smoker
The long-term implications of long-term vaping are unknown to us at this time. It will be another 20 to 40 years before we get more conclusive proof on the effects of nicotine on the brain. Vaping without nicotine may trigger mild immune system inflammation, according to preliminary studies. If there is no nicotine in the system, would anxiety levels rise as a result? Other nicotine-free vaping side effects include:
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Mouth itchiness
- Cellular toxicity
In the meanwhile, research show that nicotine vaping may cause problems during pregnancy or in the lungs’ respiratory system. Vaping may become a problem if one considers the psychological effects of nicotine on the brain. There is still a dispute about the validity of these assertions, given the lack of research into the matter. Remember that the vast majority of clinical research is focused on the ingestion of nicotine in conjunction with tobacco, which is only found in cigarettes.
Vaping goods that are FDA-approved and whose ingredients have been thoroughly scrutinised are the safest bet. Avoid using any e-liquids that contain diacetyl, which was the culprit behind the “popcorn lung” fallacy that led to a number of deaths in the United States. Inflammation and thickening of the air sacs in the lungs can result if this sticky substance is mixed with other e-liquid qualities.
It is now time to examine the reasons why some people choose to vape nicotine-free rather than combining it with tobacco or using it in their devices.
Reasons why you might want to use a nicotine-free e-cigarette.
- You remove the sole somewhat addictive ingredient from a vaporizer in a matter of minutes. Without it, you’re merely inhaling the fumes of a lab-tested mixture. Additionally, keep in mind that nicotine, especially at the standard 3mg concentrate, comprises a very weak amount that you won’t even detect.
- It’s best to vape nic-free items if you want to maintain your habit of inhaling stuff. Because they are frequently found in food and pharmaceutical manufacturing, additives such as VG and Pg are a far safer option than traditional tobacco products like cigarettes.
- You enjoy a lot more pleasant experience without nicotine, which decreases the risk of a sore throat.
- If you want to produce more clouds while vaping, you’ll need to lower the nicotine content in your e-liquid. Otherwise, you’ll be inhaling an excessive amount of nicotine when you vape. Sub-Ohm devices are generally used by more experienced vapers, thus it’s vital to lower the nicotine level to at least 6mg for better flavour and a less intense throat hit when moving to direct-to-lung vaping.
- The habit of vaping can be maintained even if you vape nicotine on occasion, as long as you alternate. It’s easy to spice things up by vaping nicotine-free for a while and then adding a nic shot to a shortfall later.
- Vaping opens up a whole new world of places where smoking isn’t permitted. As a result, you’ll be less tempted to brave the cold to vape in the office. As a result of the reduced dependence on nicotine, you’ll save money that can be used to partake in more activities, while also enhancing your overall health so that you can get in more activity.
Are You Ready to Quit Smoking?
When the time is right, quitting smoking is a wise decision. However, you need first determine what nicotine strength you’re currently utilising. A wide variety of e-liquid flavours and nicotine strengths are available on the leading e-cigarette websites. The amount of nicotine you need will be determined by how many cigarettes you smoke each day.
If your ultimate objective is to quit smoking or vaping for good, you must do so gradually for the following reasons:
- By going cold turkey, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Smokers should avoid quitting without a strategy in place because of their strong desire for cigarettes and the dependence they develop from the nicotine they inhale on a regular basis.
- It’s a good idea to switch to nicotine-free vaping, but only if you’ve overcome your nicotine addiction first. If this isn’t the case, you may find yourself tempted to go back to smoking.
- Vaping is regarded as a superior option to smoking if the temptation is too great and you believe you will never give up. You’ll have greater control over how much and when you vape if you’re able to wean yourself off of nicotine dependence.
- To learn more about how to successfully reduce your nicotine intake and achieve nicotine freedom, consult our in-depth guide.
Nicotine-Free Vape Juice: What’s in It?
E-liquids in the platinum range, as well as shortfalls (bottles of juice with the option to add nicotine), offer an abundance of options. What’s in vape juice, exactly? The following are common main ingredients:
- Preservative-free Propylene glycol (PG) (PG)
- Bottles of VG and PG
- Flavorings made from natural ingredients
E-cigarettes are recommended as a smoking cessation option by leading health organisations. When compared to smoking, vaping is significantly less harmful because it can be done with or without nicotine. Vaping’s reputation will only improve in the long run as more research and less disinformation are done on the topic.
This is entirely up to you and how you came to learn about nicotine-free vaping. You should not be vaping only for the sake of it, and we highlight this point in the beginning of this article. Most people who use vaporizers are former smokers who are trying to kick the habit. E-liquid chemicals that do not include nicotine have also received scant attention from scientists who are investigating the health effects of inhaling those substances via the mouth. smoke shop Oceanside recommendation is to avoid starting up merely for fun or experimentation. Only if you’re tempted to smoke do you have a problem. Vaping is significantly less harmful and far easier to quit than smoking.