Learn more about this non-surgical method for quickly addressing problem areas, including before and after photographs, by reading on.
CosmetiCare collaborated with us to produce this content. So that I may share my experience with my readers, I have received complimentary treatments as part of the #CosmetiCareMoms ambassador group.
After Sharon Garofalow’s Coolsculpting treatment.
As of this writing, the text has been updated to give more information about this fascinating procedure.
Honestly, I don’t know many ladies who look forward to aging. The opportunity to become an ambassador for Cosmeticare and test out their services was too good to pass up.
When it comes to my aging, I want to age gracefully and ask for help when necessary. This time around, I’m not interested in undergoing surgery. Basically, I just want to look like myself, but with a bit more luster.
Botox, Restylane and a CO Laser Treatment were all I’d tried to get rid of my love handles, but nothing else. When I decided to give Coolsculpting in Dubai a go, I couldn’t be happier.
How Do You Feel as a Result of Coolsculpting?
Is the Coolsculpting procedure effective?
My Coolsculpting Before and After Photos What is the price of Coolsculpting?
When I told friends I was getting Coolsculpting, they were surprised. I do everything I can to hide my physical flaws, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job at it.
Find out more about Coolsculpting if you haven’t already.
That others think I’m thin makes me happy. Even so, I am conscious of the reality of my own body. I’m a softie with a lot of additional weight on my shoulders.. I was highly interested in non-surgical fat removal.
Instead of two rounds on my love handles and one on my stomach as I had originally planned, we ended up doing one round on each. It was advised by my technician, Rosie, that we execute two rounds on the flanks during my session.
There are two areas of your lower back known as “flanks,” one on each side of your torso. As far as women are concerned, this is a typical area of concern.
An image of a blanket and a candle with text on beauty secrets overlay.
Before I had Coolsculpting, my love handles looked like this.
No, I’m not a chubby dummy. The faults in my skin come to light as soon as I put on a piece of clothing. There’s always the option of going to the gym, of course
As a result of my naivete, I was about to cancel this appointment, believing that I could handle the matter on my own.
With CosmetiCare, though, I began discussing this surgery months ago. Afterwards, I lost a lot of weight, but the bulge in my stomach didn’t disappear. Finally, a reminder that working out only goes so far.
This view was taken from behind to show the flanks before Coolsculpting.
Shots of Rosie’s intended flanks were taken in advance
Before, I had my love handles coolsculpted.
There are many ways to look at this issue. There is a noticeable difference between the two photos, but both were taken on the same day. It’s a great example of how your body may appear entirely different depending on where clothing touches you.
I’m laying on a table at CosmetiCare as they prepare me for Coolsculpting.
After she marked the spot where the fat-freezing machine would be positioned, we got started.
I’m having a Coolsculpting procedure done on my love handles at Cosmeticare.
Due to the presence of two machines, you can target two locations simultaneously. In order to complete the 36-minute cycle, we began at the upper portion of the love handle and worked our way down.
What is COOLSCULPTING, and how does it feel to do it?
As if you’re being devoured by something that’s both cold and hungry. It didn’t hurt at all. Honestly, it’s not even that bad. It was chilly, but I wasn’t entirely shivering. It was the simplest thing I’d ever done in my life.
Unlike my previous Microneedling session, this was calming and relaxing. You did nothing more than lie there.
After my Coolsculpting in Dubai fat-freezing surgery, my flanks looked like this.
This is what the area looked like after our work was done It looks like a massive hickey to me. Another 36-minute cycle was completed on the lower half (you can see where she drew that area so there would be a little bit of overlap)
Massaged both areas once they were done with the machine, which freezes and hardens fat, to help them become softer.
She advised me to increase the frequency of my massages and to drink a detox tea for the duration of the week because the lymphatic system is where dead fat cells are eliminated. Massages were out of the question because I didn’t have time to drink detox tea every day.
Although I was bruised, it wasn’t too bad. Initially, the area was achy and numb, but it was manageable. However, the sensation was unusual and not uncomfortable.
Making a bed and getting ready didn’t bother it because there was no downtime. No mistake about it, this is an easy method.
INSTANT COOLSCULPTING PHOTOS OF MY RESULTS Coolsculpting at Fat freezing in Dubai has been running for five weeks now. My fingers still feel a little numb.
Coolsculpting results weren’t tracked because I didn’t believe there was enough of a difference to notice week by week. In my instance, to be specific.
The Coolsculpting results were scarcely noticeable after a week.
After my Coolsculpting procedure, I took a picture of my love handles to see the results.
Before and after photographs from CosmetiCare helped me decide to wear these leopard pants again to see if there was any improvement in the love-handle area.
It occurs to me that perhaps there is a difference. For the most effective results, Rosie advised completing many rounds. As a result, I’m referring to these as my final results.
Is this a before-and-after picture?
These photographs, I feel, show that the difference was insignificant. It’s tough for me to tell if there is a major difference because I can’t see the region well.
Before the appointment, I hadn’t taken many photos of this area because I’d been focusing on my stomach.
In reality, does COOLSCULPTING actually work?
Photo after Coolsculpting shows a side view of my flanks.
I’m not sure I have the answers you seek. Due to a number of factors, I don’t think it has a good chance of delivering excellent results, but I do believe it does.
A virus that targeted my thyroid caused my body to undergo Hyperthyroid symptoms (weight loss throughout the summer) and then Hypothyroid symptoms (again, weight loss during the winter). – (weight gain happening now).
After a week-long cruise in which I ate nothing but burgers and tacos, I decided to undergo Coolsculpting the day after returning home.
For the first two weeks following my Fat freezing procedure in dubai I was confined to the couch by a CO2 laser treatment on my face.
Your results will be significantly more significant than mine if you eat healthily and exercise a little.
Even six weeks following the procedure, my results were nearly identical to those portrayed in the photo.
How often would I do this? Because it was so straightforward. And I’d put in the time and effort to get better.
Model Linda Evangelista was recently mentioned in the media. Instead of diminishing, her fat grew in the locations where she had this procedure performed.
It’s really uncommon. However, if you’re thinking about it, you might want to dig a little deeper (or any other procedure for that matter). Decide what is best for you after doing your research.
About $3,000 was spent on my two fat-freezing sessions. Because I get these treatments for free in order to share the experience with you, I want to make sure that I’m sharing all the information you need to make an informed decision.
The most important thing to know about CosmetiCare is that you need to set up an appointment.
As a patient, I’m often surprised when my doctor recommends a different treatment plan than what I had in mind when I walk in.
After two to six weeks of treatment, I’m excited to finally be able to show you my Coolsculpting results!
When it comes to expensive procedures like these, you’re looking for the most value for your money!