Puppies: they’re loveable creatures that many adore. Part of this includes feeding them the right food.
Do you have a puppy and are wondering what a puppy diet should look like? Then, we’re here to give you some helpful tips so that you can ensure it gets the nutrition it needs.
Keep reading for more on what’s right and what’s not to feed it.
What to Feed a Puppy?
Your puppy needs the following in their diet to ensure they’re kept healthy and poop often:
- High level of calories
- More Protein
- High nutrition
- Easily-chewable bits
Since they’re more active than adult dogs, they need extra calories. This includes more protein so that they can be sure to grow big and strong. This is an essential nutrient in their diet.
More minerals with give them the vitality that they need. This includes vitamins and minerals. In addition, puppy food nutrients will keep their coat gleaning and looking great.
Dry puppy food is easy for them to eat. Generally, they’re smaller in size so they’re easy to bite on. Treat foods are also kept bite-sized and chewable which you can give your puppy after a walk or when you feel like it.
For more answers to how often do puppies poop, head on over to Gotta Go Grass.
What Not to Feed a Puppy?
It’s also important to note what not to feed your puppy. This is because it can make them sick.
Here is a list of some of the top foods not to feed your puppy:
- Chocolate
- Tomatoes
- Onions
- Raisins
- Nuts
- Salt
- Rhubarb
- Tobacco
- Sugar-filled foods
The rule of everything in moderation doesn’t apply here.
If your dog eats peanuts, it can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and vomiting. Having a high-fat level can also lead to pancreatitis. Nuts that contain salt are a no-go as this can result in toxicosis.
While dogs love chocolate, puppies should never be given it. Chocolate contains chemicals that are known to harm puppies. Therefore, always stick to the foods with puppy food nutrients.
Sugar-filled treats cause the same issue that they do to humans with dogs. They can make them gain unneeded weight and dental issues.
When Should I Feed My Puppy?
Strict puppy feeding times should be adhered to. No matter how much your dog might want a treat, keeping them in tip-top condition is your main priority.
If you allow them food whenever they want, they can end up overweight and incur bone issues later in life.
Schedule feeding times that allow them to get in adequate nutrition while keeping them fully feed and energized. Then, you can have a puppy that’ll live a long and healthy life.
Learn More About the Right Puppy Diet Here
Having the right puppy diet is important for keeping your puppy strong, healthy, and developing correctly. Without it, you can run into problems which we’ve listed here.
Find out more about how to treat your puppy by giving them the right diet by reading more of our blogs.