Abortion is defined simply as the process of terminating a woman’s pregnancy with her own consent and choice, which is what abortion is in layman’s terms. The question of whether or not abortion is right or wrong remains highly debated. On top of everything, everyone continues to puzzle as to when one should go for an abortion.
In the course of contemplating whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, an abortion can raise a host of concerns in a woman’s head. However, there are certain situations in which the termination of the pregnancy is necessary.
1.There is a need to save lives in the first place
When a woman is in a position where she has to have an abortion because she is in danger of losing her life, that is the most common situation that requires an abortion. There are times when a doctor generally prefers to save only one of the two lives due to complications in pregnancies and medical emergencies. It is in such cases that doctors prefer to save the woman and then go for abortion.
2.In the case of grave injuries, prevent them from occurring
It is very important to note that on a similar note to what has been mentioned above, some unexpected circumstances may sometimes occur which may lead to grave injuries for the mother during childbirth. Adoption should be carried out for the purpose of protecting the woman from such serious injuries. Doctors may suggest abortion when they believe that the delivery will result in permanent injuries to the mother’s organs.
During the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, the baby has not yet fully formed, and therefore abortion does not really kill the baby. Therefore, it is best left to the doctor who can recommend an abortion. It is important to keep in mind that all of the organs of a baby take about 12 weeks to develop and that it is only after the first twelve weeks that one can see signs of life beginning to emerge.
3.In the case of a child, there is a substantial risk to him or her
If there is a presumption that the child will have either mental or physical disorders, or both, or that the child will have a serious handicap, abortion should also be performed. As far as the doctors are concerned, it is always their primary obligation to make sure that the baby is healthy and should not suffer from any abnormalities. This is one of the reasons why the woman may be advised to abort the pregnancy.
4.Case of rape or incest
A woman may choose to have an abortion if she has been raped or the couple have had an affair, resulting in a pregnancy. When such a situation arises, the woman can choose to do this if she desires. This is allowed by law in Japan and a few other countries.
Despite the fact that abortion is a personal decision that women and parents make, it is still imperative that moms and children remain healthy, therefore it should be performed with the utmost care and caution in order to avoid any harm to the mother or child.
You can then go to http://abortions.co.il for more information if you are interested in late term abortion.