Returning home after a great weekend away with the family you are ready for a rest before heading to work tomorrow morning. It was a fantastic time by the ocean with lots of great food and having fun, with your loving family dog Bouncer enjoying it to the max.
You adopted him from a dog’s home after he had previously been neglected. The poor thing was scared, but with lots of love and attention and plenty of hard work he is truly one of the family. The kids simply love him.
One of the best things that you did to get him into peak fitness and the happy pet he is today was giving him Zamipet’s probiotics for dogs, as he came on leaps and bounds ever since.
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are microorganisms that live in the digestive tract benefitting it greatly. Billions of bacteria, and yeast, live in the gastrointestinal system of animals. But rather than being bad for a dog, these healthy gut bacteria go towards balancing the digestive tract to prevent disease.
They will break down food, to assist in digestion while fighting off potential pathogens. Probiotics will help to create nutrients and vitamins which will strengthen immunity. It’s a good idea to research what food you should never give to pets.
What are the benefits of probiotics for dogs?
The technology and research continue to grow into understanding the full benefits of probiotics for dogs. It’s great for Australian pet owners to know that they can buy home grown products safe in the knowledge that their probiotic range played its part in aiding the digestion of Bouncer.
They also regulated his immune system and created those essential fatty acids that have inhibited harmful bacteria. You have also found them to be of great value when your poor pet suffered badly from diarrhoea caused by an irritable bowel which led to an intestinal inflammation.
Speaking to your vet they are of the opinion that probiotics also play a huge part in preventing urinary tract infections. They also
Reduce allergic reactions by decreasing intestinal absorbance and control inflammation, meaning a pain free and healthy existence for your beloved dog. Bouncer was certainly in good form and full of vigour when you took him to the doggy play park.
To conclude
Probiotics are a great way of assisting in the health of your dog, keeping their insides fit and well.