A decade ago, the internet looked different. You had to be at home to use social media. Updates would take hours to complete, and streaming video services were almost non-existent. Today, people are constantly connected wherever they are, and everything is instant!
You’ve heard about it and know all of the benefits — and perhaps even have 5G already available in your area. But what are some of the things you can do with the faster internet speed? You could watch TV shows on your phone while you’re walking down the street.
Besides, there are other benefits you will get from 5G, and this article will cover some of them.
Suitable for Gaming
Gaming is one of those things that can benefit from an upgrade. For instance, with 5G, you’ll play games on your PC or gaming console without any lag or latency issues. And since 5G offers faster download speeds than current 4G networks, it’s also ideal for streaming high-definition video games.
The best aspect about gaming is that most casinos have considered seo for online casinos. They will be more accessible when you search for them on the internet using a 5G enabled gaming device, unlike 4G.
Your Internet Will Be Faster
The first thing you’ll notice when you get a 5G phone, the first thing you’ll notice is how much faster your internet connection is. 5G networks can handle much more data than 4G or 3G networks can.
With 5G, you can download videos and games in seconds instead of minutes and hours. You’ll stream HD video without any glitches or buffering pauses. You can do that while using multiple apps at once on different devices. For instance, streaming music on your laptop while chatting with friends on your phone without any lag whatsoever.
Internet of Things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is any device connected to the internet. There are more than 20 billion devices connected to the web — and that number is growing every day. When you think about how many devices you have in your home alone, it’s easy to see why 5G will be suitable for IoT to reach its full potential.
Data Security
5G is on a completely new architecture, so it’s not just about more data speed or lower latency; it’s about security. The 4G network uses the same protocol for all devices — phones, computers, and other devices. That means that bad actors can access all your data if they have enough time and resources.
It makes it easy for hackers to steal personal information like credit card numbers or medical records from one device. They can then use it against users across multiple devices in different places.
With 5G, each device will have its protocol. Even if someone gets into one device, they won’t see your other devices’ data or take control of your other devices remotely. You’ll be safer online than ever before!
More Connected Devices
5G networks can support more connected devices than 4G or even Wi-Fi. You’ll have access to more bandwidth in your home or office. More devices can get connected at once without experiencing dropped connections or slow speeds.
For example, if you have 5G installed at home, you could simultaneously stream a movie on Netflix while your kids play Fortnite on their phones. Another family member can work on a project on Google Docs.
Faster Downloads
5G is much faster than 4G LTE, which means you’ll download files quickly. It translates to less time waiting for videos to buffer, less time waiting for photos to send, and more time getting on with life.
It’ll also help you get online in more places. LTE works over radio waves and can only travel short distances (think hundreds of feet).On the other hand, 5G uses light beams and can reach up to 2 miles away from a transmitter antenna (depending on weather conditions).
That means it can connect you to the internet even when there’s no cell tower nearby, like camping or hiking in the mountains.
Act Now Before it’s Late!
The future looks bright, and if you’re planning on buying a 5G-capable smartphone, now is the time. Since you know all of these great things that come with a 5G upgrade, you should consider the benefits of 5G connectivity on the next phone.