When people think of CBD, their first thought is likely the health benefits it could have, not the fact that pioneers in the CBD industry are also revolutionizing technology. However, there are a few groundbreaking CBD companies doing exactly that.
Hempacco is one of the leading innovators in the hemp and cannabinoid industry. Part of the company’s commitment to innovation is the adoption of exciting new technologies, including artificial intelligence.
A history of innovation leads Hempacco to AI
Hempacco’s reputation in the CBD industry made their team an obvious choice for entertainment icon and entrepreneur Snoop Dogg to partner with to create a line of consumer hemp products, including smokable hemp products, hemp paper, blunts, vapes, and edibles. Snoop Dogg cites the company’s “science, innovation, and reach” as the reason why Hempacco was the perfect partner for this new line of products.
Among the many innovative measures Hempacco has implemented (or plans to implement) is the extensive use of automation and AI. Hempacco’s CMO Jorge Olson remains incredibly optimistic about the future innovations this technology can inspire. Hempacco has extensive research and development capabilities — not only with its team of chemists, but also a team dedicated to ensuring that Hempacco delivers its products to consumers in the most innovative ways possible — which set it above and beyond its competitors.
Many applications of artificial intelligence proposed in the consumer products industry have involved improving the efficiency of manufacturing operations. For example, automation can be used to monitor production and productivity on factory floors, or to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the quality control process. Still, Olson points to some exciting new uses of AI that he projects his company will utilize that, even if they don’t exist yet, are well within reach.
The exciting future of AI in marketing consumer goods
Proponents of artificial intelligence have hailed its superior data processing capabilities as a major reason why it has the potential to disrupt so many industries. Within the manufacturing industry, the predictive analytics that AI models offer could revolutionize the way products are made and manufactured for consumers.
“Imagine a world in which consumer products are designed to exactly what consumers want, and marketed to them perfectly based on their wants and needs,” says Olson. “This is the type of future that artificial intelligence will allow us to enable.”
The most obvious implementation of artificial intelligence in manufacturing is the creation of packaging for consumer products. “Eventually, I will be able to ask an AI to create a product in a specific category for a specific segment based on what that type of consumer wants, and it will return with a product with the branding and ingredients that will best resonate with that target audience,” Olson adds.
But the power of artificial intelligence in the product marketing process doesn’t stop here. Olson explains that AI could disrupt how products and designs are tested with consumers.
“As part of the learning process, an artificial intelligence model could push out several designs to consumers on social media platforms. As it collects data on how consumers interact with and react to different designs, the one they were most receptive to can be used in the marketing campaign,” he explains. “This capability ensures that marketing campaigns are always effective and tailored to the unique interests and needs of the consumers you are targeting.”
Hempacco also sees a future in which artificial intelligence-based technology can be used to create “online packaging” that creates an interactive online experience for consumers. “Imagine an experience where you can scan a package with your phone, and an avatar or spokesperson tells you everything you want to know about the product,” says Olson. “You can ask about its ingredients, its dosing, or directions. If you ask a question the system doesn’t know, a ticket can be submitted to the manufacturer, and the AI will be trained with this information for future instances when it may come up.”
All of these capabilities will be a pivotal part of Hempacco’s plan to “disrupt tobacco,” as their slogan so proudly exclaims. After all, over half a billion dollars is spent on marketing cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products year after year.
With a rapidly growing market share, the CBD industry will need innovative methods of marketing products to succeed as an alternative to the tobacco industry, which causes so many negative health effects to people worldwide. These powerful new AI tools would give the CBD industry a way to stand out and give them a better chance to connect with consumers who might otherwise be reluctant to try hemp-based products.