It is inevitable that you will have your share of fights with her along the way, but you will also have someone to count on, when the world feels dark, hopeless and inhospitable. The kind of bond which you share with your sister is one that you can never really develop with your brothers.
Research proves that sisters share the strongest sibling bond, while a sister and brother share the next strongest bond. Brothers share the weakest connection of possible sibling bonds. The researchers were not sure why, but sisters have a sisterhood.
Jewellery at its Finest!
To mark your lasting bond as sisters, one suggestion is to each wear a bracelet with the same charm. You can each have different charms or have every last bead and spacer match, but the plan is to each have at least one charm in common on each sister’s bracelet. If you do not like the same metal, design, or base, you can all have very different looks yet still share that special sisterly trinket.
A lasting bond deserves lasting quality, so be sure to invest in quality metals and materials. You do not want your design to break or scratch – you want something special. You want a gorgeous bracelet (or necklace) that you can wear to special events and everyday events. Be sure to wear your sister’s bracelets at family get-togethers and holidays.
Accessories for the Dearest
You and your sisters can buy any base that you want and then choose the charm that best symbolises your bond. Perhaps you all share the same faith and want to commemorate your common belief system, or perhaps you all have the shopping gene and want to outfit each of your wristlets with an adorable miniature purse. If you are lucky enough to consider each other best friends, you may want to get a “best friend” trinket. If you all love a charm with a certain animal or flower, you can invest in the same one.
Stylish Clothes for the Fashionista
Is your sister a shopaholic and a style freak? Gift her something that suits her style. You can gift her suits, t-shirts, and saris along with Rakhi delivery in UAE. Be mindful of the age and fashion taste or sense of style, as people call it, of your sister while shopping for clothes and accessories for her.
Plants for the Eco-Friendly Sis
The siblinghood bond that you share with your sister is as nourishing as nature. Honour your eco-friendly sister’s ideologies and get her a gift that will allow her to stay connected to Mother Nature. Try sending her a companion planting kit.
Companion planting is an easy-to-use method that can help plants grow larger and healthier, like your relationship with your dear sister. So, on Raksha Bandhan, maybe get your sister a companion planting kit from an online store along with Rakhi delivery in Dubai. The idea of companion planting is extremely simple. Certain combinations of plants, when planted next to each other, will improve the growth of one or both of the plants. This can be due to the effect one of the plants has on the soil, by attracting beneficial insects to the area (for example, attracting pollinators like bees) or even by repelling pests.
There are many plant combinations that work well together. One combination that dates back many centuries (Native Americans originally used it) is known by the nickname “The Three Sisters” (a perfect gift for your sister!). This involves planting corn, beans and squash together in the same area. For example, the corn provides a stable structure for the beans to grow up. The bean plants (legumes) nourish the soil with quality levels of nitrogen, which helps the corn and squash grow. The squash performs triple duty – it provides a ground cover that restricts the growth of weeds, it helps keep moisture in the soil by acting as a living mulch, and the prickly hairs of its vines deter pests.
BondingThrough Emotions
If you do not have a sister, perhaps you have a friend who feels like a sister. You do not have to be blood-related to feel a kinship and unconditional love. Your special friend may even be easier for you to talk with than a biological sister. Whatever the case, it is worth marking your closeness with a special charm bracelet, and it’s a lot less painful than getting matching tattoos.