A common vaginal infection, bacterial vaginosis affects women of all ages. An imbalance of bacteria in the vagina is not sexually transmitted.
The vaginal environment is imbalanced between “good” and “bad” bacteria. Usually, there are more good bacteria than harmful bacteria in the vagina. There are more bad bacteria than good, and you have bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis treatment is a simple process, but it can be tricky. Methods of treatment for BV are safe and effective. A common method to treat this disease is to eliminate BV through the use of antibiotics, either oral or vaginal.
You must remember to schedule time for follow-up visits with your doctor. A healthcare provider to ensure that the infection does not recur.
Once BV has cleared up, it’s easy to stop taking medication. Yet, you may need to continue managing your condition with long-term medication.
Treating BV is complicated, but several methods can end the disease. Practical and easy guidelines to treat bacterial vaginosis and prevent its recurrence.
Here are a few dos and don’ts for dealing with BV:
Do you know the signs of bacterial vaginosis?
Bacteria are harmful in nature and cause several vaginal diseases like bacterial vaginosis. A bacterial vaginosis treatment eliminates the infection and lowers its risk of complications.
An alteration in the vaginal environment is caused by bacterial vaginosis. The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include:
- Painful urination
- A solid fishy odor coming from the vagina
- Increased vaginal discharge, which can be white, gray, or yellow
- Itching and soreness of the vulva (the external female sex organ)
Symptoms such as these should be checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible. Antibiotics can treat bacterial vaginosis.
Do remember that antibiotics can disrupt your vaginal flora
The first thing everyone thinks about when it comes to BV is antibiotics. Antibiotics are a standard treatment for bacterial vaginosis (BV). It’s important to remember that these drugs can harm your vaginal flora.
However, you should use them selectively, as overuse can actually result in more yeast infections during treatment. Due to the significant overuse of antibiotics for BV around the world, we may observe more resistant strains of bacteria.
The imbalance of good and bad bacteria can make it hard for you to get pregnant. Talk with your doctor about the best way to treat BV while preserving your fertility.
Do use probiotics while taking antibiotics
Probiotics are the healthy bacteria that live in your gut. Probiotics may help you fight off colds, among other ailments. Antibiotics kill both harmful and helpful bacterial species. Taking probiotics while taking antibiotics can help maintain a healthy gut flora balance.
Do take care of your vagina by observing good hygiene
It’s essential to take care of your vagina by observing good hygiene. Below are the tips on how to properly do so:
- Always wash your hands with soap and water before and after touching your vagina.
- Wipe from front to back to prevent bacteria from the anus from getting into the vagina, which may irritate.
- Do not use scented soaps, bubble baths, or douches in the vagina, as they irritate the vagina.
- Make sure you clean yourself thoroughly and be sure to change your underwear regularly.
- BV is a common condition caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the vagina. BV can treat with antibiotics and by maintaining proper hygiene habits.
Do take medications as directed by your doctor
Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to treat BV. You can take these medications by mouth or apply them directly to the vulva.
If you’re taking an oral medication, it’s essential to take all the medicines as prescribed by your doctor. It will help ensure that your infection is completely treated and that the BV does not return.
Do not self-treat BV unless you are sure that’s what you have
You may feel tempted to treat yourself to BV at home. It’s important to know that there are other causes of vaginal odor or discharge.
You could treat the terrible condition and make the problem worse. It’s better to get a professional diagnosis first. You can be sure of the treatment and avoid riskier alternatives.
Don’t use false remedies
People with bacterial vaginosis often try various home remedies when they learn of their condition. But we strongly advise against using these so-called treatments. They usually contain harmful ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. These can make the symptoms of your infection worse.
Instead, talk with your doctor about the best treatment options for you and your body.
Don’t douche to treat BV
Douching is the practice of washing out the vagina with water or other fluids. One method of this procedure is to insert a tube into the vagina and pump water in and out.
The idea behind douching is that it will help cleanse the vagina and get rid of bacteria but it doesn’t work that way. It can disrupt the healthy balance of bacteria in your vagina and cause irritation or inflammation.
Don’t have sex until you’re symptom-free
Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease. But it’s still essential to avoid having sex if you’re experiencing symptoms.
Having sex could worsen your symptoms and make it harder for your partner to contract the infection. You should also be sure to use protection if you do have sex during an active BV episode.
Don’t use harsh soap around your vagina
Using harsh soaps or soaps that are not pH-balanced can lead to bacterial vaginosis. The pH balance of a healthy vagina is slightly acidic, and harsh soaps can disrupt this balance.
Instead, use warm water to wash your external genitalia with mild soap or a gentle body cleanser. To clean cotton underwear, you can use hot water.
Final thoughts
You’ve been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. You know it’s caused by an imbalance of the microorganisms in your vagina. You need to know how to treat it fast, or else the odor and irritation will persist.
The faster you make eradicating your BV a priority, the less time it will take to eliminate it. While BV is easy to treat, it can also be hard to treat if you don’t properly care for yourself.
But if you put this guide to work and commit yourself to proper treatment, the road ahead should be much smoother.