It’s easy to get into a relationship until it is open. As your companionship blooms, either of you may develop a fear of commitment. This modern era also refers to this situation as ‘commitment issues’. It’s common among millennia’s.
Well, it may seem casual but it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. Such behavior could trigger anxiousness or the urge of avoidance. Some are ready to consume Kamagra Jelly for the long term but not ready for a long-term commitment. Let’s see what it is & how to deal with it.
Fear of commitment vs. Commitment phobia
The fear of commitment in a relationship is often compared with commitment phobia. In the former case, people often fear committing to romantic relationships or marriage. It is also known as genophobia. The latter case is an anxiety disorder that can be treated by mental health experts. Just because someone is not ready to take up responsibilities, they’re not ready to commit. This develops anxiousness & hence is termed as commitment phobia.
Signs that ‘YOU’ fear of commitment in a relationship
Sometimes, your significant other might be ready with a green signal but you fear to say ‘yes’. The following signs indicate that this fear is from your end only:
- You date casually only
It may be any bitter experience that keeps you from commitment. Some people only like to be in a relationship that’s open & does not involve any responsibilities. They usually quit at the point when the relationship is moving forward. Thus, they like to date until they think they’re free.
For example, you enjoy intimacies with Cenforce 100. But you aren’t ready to share it with your partner.
- You least care about your future together
Generally, if you’re serious in a relationship then both of you would discuss things you’ll be doing in the future. You share likes and dislikes and may want to improve things as your partner likes. You’re ready to do all this just because you want to spend the rest of your lives together. Now imagine you aren’t involved at all. So, you’ll not care whether you want to be in the future together or not.
- You’re always raising doubts
If you raise questions on everything then something is wrong. Ask yourself if you constantly think:
- Does he still love me?
- Am I ready for this?
- Is it too early to commit?
- Should you move in together before the wedding?
- Can’t you stay as live-in instead of marriage?
- You fear more whenever your partner gets more involved
Caring is a form of love. But, you feel trapped when your partner shows care and you feel that your freedom is snatched. You think that he is getting on your nerves and your enjoyment is ruined.
Fear of Commitment signs in your Partner
It isn’t necessary that only you have fear of committing in a relationship. You may be ready to give it all but your partner has this fear. Here are the signs that it’s your partner who fears commitment in this relationship:
- They least care about you or your relationship
- They don’t show any interest in your future together
- They don’t discuss openly or share what’s on their mind
- Their plans only have them & not you
- Your texts & calls are ignored or have low priority
As you look closer, you’ll see that these signs are usually opposite to what we’ve seen first. For instance, the signs you’re supposed to have in the first case above are now seen in your partner.
5 Ways to Overcome this Fear
A lot of people undergo such fear of commitment. Some are ready to share a long-term relationship, but not with one person only. Others don’t commit to one relationship because they want to be in many relationships.
If you feel the above-mentioned symptoms match with you then here is how to overcome them:
- Spend more time together. If possible, spare some days on vacay. This will help you to know each other closer.
- Never be afraid to hold hands in public. Do the same when you’re around the people you know?
- Move in together for a few days. See how you’re tuning is & if you or your partner could improve on things.
- Try Fildena 200 and Cenforce 150 in front of your partner & see how they react. Tell them you’re doing so to bring joy to your intimate life.
- If you haven’t tried this before then do ‘role play’? Let them relax & you can take up their responsibilities for a day. It is just another way to show the extra mile efforts that you value them.
The Takeaway
You can surely take the baby steps to make your partner feel special. Use Kamagra Jelly to impress them. Alternatively, you can start combating fear of commitment by shooting the symptoms seen above. Thus, you’ll be able to focus on your companionship rather than fear.