One of the worst possible things to come from the almost complete virtual takeover of social media is the genuinely corrosive way that anyone with a profile on any of the major platforms has started to automatically compare their own appearance with that of their friends, family members and even celebrities.
There is a wide plethora of reasons why you may be feeling somewhat disenchanted with your physical appearance, or one or more aspects and so, for the good of your emotional health and wellbeing, continue reading to learn how to love your appearance again.
Practice Self Love
No matter how many times your partner, your close friend or a member of your family tell you how well you are looking, how shiny your hair is, how much you suit your new dress or how pretty your eyes are, if you are not happy within yourself then you are simply never going to accept such a fact.
Practicing self-love, therefore, is one of the most important things you can do for yourself and subsequently, the best way to become the best person you possibly can be to those around you. There are a multitude of different ways to practice self-love, including the following:
- Pamper your body
- Take a long, hot bubble bath
- Tidy and revamp your wardrobe
- Practice a beginner’s level of meditation
- Put yourself first for a change
Treat Yourself
One of the reasons why it may be the case that you feel less than satisfied with your physical appearance could be the fact that you simply cannot remember the time when you last went out shopping with the sole goal of buying new items of clothing for you and you alone.
When shopping, try and visit shops that you don’t usually go into, either because you never have done before or else have always previously written off the style and types of clothes they sell as ‘too young’ or ‘too trendy’ for you.
Additionally, if you, for example, are suffering with negative feelings surrounding your hair, hairstyle or even struggling with baldness or hair loss, then resolve this summer to do something about it. To combat hair loss, for example, consider booking an appointment for a hair transplant with a reputable and established clinic.
Record Compliments
Some people may struggle to accept a compliment, choosing not to accept it all and instead deflect said compliment by commenting on how old your shirt is or how cheap your shoes were. From now on, you should strive to not only mentally note every compliment you receive, but also to maybe even record the compliment with a pen and paper in a gratitude journal.
Purchasing a brand-new notebook can be exceedingly therapeutic and you can use it to start a new phase in your life of being welcoming to compliments and other positive thoughts and feelings by writing them down.
Surround Yourself with Positivity
It may, upon first read, sound particularly savage and more than a bit harsh, but if you have a friend, colleague or even a family member who repeatedly tries to bring you down and only ever exudes negativity, then you should certainly try spending less time around them.
Instead, gravitate towards those people in your life who are more free-spirited, less critical and less judgmental and allow their own energy levels and positive attitudes to proverbially rub off on yourself.