Do you like watching movies? What drama do you like to choose? Or maybe you like to watch Korean dramas? Well, this is really a good thing! At this point, you may already know that Korean dramas and movies have gained great popularity in recent years, attracting more and more non-Korean fans around the world. In addition, it turns out that watching Korean dramas can have a positive impact on our lives. One of them is to prevent stress risks. Therefore, we provide you with information about the benefits of watching Korean dramas below.
1. Provide mental exercise
When watching a movie, your brain also works by imagining the scenes that happen in the movie. This is a good stimulus for the brain. In fact, it can help promote a healthy brain, because the human brain needs to stay active. In this case, it is recommended to watch movies of crime, suspense, and thriller types. As we all know, these genres challenge themselves to pay attention to complex stories, including red herrings, and remember them episode by episode. Then, the more you train your brain, the better and sharper it will become.
2. Activate the brain
One of the mental health benefits of watching Korean dramas is to activate the brain. When you are watching a Korean drama, all visual areas in your brain are activated. It promotes the work of the brain to activate the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe, where the image is first analyzed. As a result, the inferior temporal lobe begins to recognize objects, and the parietal lobe is responsible for spatial attention. This happens when you analyze the scenes and dialogues in Korean dramas. In addition, your brain will work hard to recognize the faces of the characters in the drama.
3. Improve memory
Second, watching Korean dramas on Dramacool9 can help improve your memory. Watching movies and plays reminds me of what happened to the characters in the previous episode. In this case, the storage area can better visualize the characters and scenes of Korean dramas. Second, watch movies and dramas on a regular basis to strengthen your brain and improve your memory. It’s such a good welfare.
4. Stimulate cognitive awareness
In fact, when you remember the movie scenes you watched, your brain reacts strongly. In this case, it is based on the discovery of a recent academic paper that suspense films can promote greater activity in the frontal and parietal lobes of the brain. Therefore, they work for higher executive function-planning and organizing and managing our time and attention. In fact watching a movie that catches our attention helps to stimulate cognitive awareness and a healthy brain.
5. Treat depression
One way is to watch Korean dramas. It will bring benefits to the treatment of stress and depression. This is because the work of the limbic system is stimulated in the right way, triggering the release of brain chemicals such as serotonin (which helps us feel happy) and dopamine. As we all know, these chemicals help to produce feelings of happiness and comfort. Therefore, watching Korean dramas is something you should consider to help you treat stress and depression.
6. Improve concentration
Another benefit of watching Korean dramas for mental health is to improve your concentration. When watching a movie, you need to focus on the role the character plays in it and the scene you’ve been waiting for. This will improve your brain and allow you to focus on the movie. Therefore, watching Korean dramas on a regular basis will definitely improve your concentration.
7. Create imagination
When you watch here Dramacool a Korean drama, there is no doubt that you can imagine yourself in it. This can trigger the brain to create an image. I think this is a good thing! It allows you to be creative and think about new ideas. So now it’s your turn to watch Korean dramas and get the most benefit for your mental health!
8. Control your emotions
In this case, you can control your emotions by watching movies and Korean dramas. This is because the drama can express different emotions and encourage them to understand and process similar emotions they may be experiencing. Therefore, you may feel how the character feels in the movie. This may help you control your emotions better than before.
9. Inspire
Great scenes in the movie affect your mental health. For example, you saw a great movie showing a great family drama scene. This may motivate you to build bonds with your family. Indeed, good movies inspire you and help you find positive energy in your life.
10. Inspire you
Similarly, movies and dramas may inspire you with their excellent scenes and characters. In addition, you can watch many inspiring movies and plays. Therefore, they can inspire you by showing the good and the bad.
11. Relax your body
Whenever you get tired, you may need to watch a Korean drama. You can choose the best and favorite drama you want. After that, you can have a good time watching your favorite scenes and stories. You can also enjoy the perfect treat, such as ice cream or soda, at any time while watching the show. This is a very perfect time and you have to relax.
12. Expand your knowledge
Movies and dramas always provide you with new information. This can be good knowledge for you. For example, while watching a movie, you can gain knowledge about new cultures, languages, people’s personalities, and other information.
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