On March 4th 2024, the Roblox twitter account posted a mysterious image. It simply said ‘March 15th’’, and Roblox fans have been wondering what it is all about. Clearly, a new event for Roblox is on the horizon, but what will happen is anybody’s guess. Thankfully, the ever creative Roblox fans have come up with a few ideas about what could be happening.
Egg Hunt
Up until 2020, one of the most popular yearly events in the world of Roblox was Egg Hunt. This event had players hunting for various ‘eggs’ across the full spectrum of Roblox games. If they found an egg, they would unlock rare, time-limited items. Some players would redeem these (who doesn’t like cool Roblox gear?) while others would sell their rare items to other players for Robux, and they could get up to 500,000 Robux (yes, seriously) for some of them. Although, most sold for around 200 Robux. They could then redeem Robux for whatever they wanted. Of course, most people loved that.
If it is Egg Hunt that is happening, we can guarantee that the player base for Roblox would skyrocket during the event date.
Other Suggestions
Since most Roblox players are so focused on the idea of Egg Hunt occurring, the other suggestions thrown around seem to be rather sparse. A good chunk of the player base thinks that new features will be added to the mix, while others seem to think that a basic event will be happening over the Easter period (since the announced date is 2 weeks before Easter).
Our guess is likely Egg Hunt. Roblox rarely teases something to their players, and when they do, it is often for something that they know the players really, really love. Since they know that the player base has been begging for Egg Hunt to return for years, we seriously doubt they would start teasing an event that they know would irritate people if it wasn’t what they expected.
If it doesn’t turn out to be Egg Hunt, we can guarantee that whatever does get announced will be equally good for the players, and they will absolutely love it. We are talking free cosmetics, fun across every single game, etc.
What You Can Do to Prepare
If you’re eager for the event, there’s no much that you can do to prepare. Just wait until the 15th and see what is announced. You might want to stock up on Robux or something like that. You might also want to buy Roblox account, just in case the event requires you to have an aged account. If you want to buy a Roblox account, then you can pick one up here at U7Buy.com for an affordable price, with our available Roblox accounts having high levels in some of the biggest games on Roblox.