Thanks to globalization and widespread technologies, we can communicate with people we would normally never chat with or meet in person. Today, we know more about various cultures and want to learn about people who live in foreign countries. It’s also common today to date women and men from abroad. You probably know a couple or two that consist of people of different nationalities.
However, when dating a foreign woman or man, it’s essential to understand various differences between the two cultures. This article aims to explain how to date Japanese women. You can also check tips on how to date to impress your potential Japanese wifes.
Before Dating A Japanese Girlfriend
Before you start dating or even looking for a Japanese woman, you should understand a few things. First, Japanese women are rather shy. It’s one of the main factors that prevent thousands of relationships from being established. Typically, things in Japan happen slowly, especially when it comes from the first date to the first kiss and so on. A Japanese lady’s shyness makes things even harder, especially for foreigners.
If you have straightforward socializing skills, you should understand that you have to tone them down a bit. Too much pressure on a shy Japanese woman may push the girl away. Second, hookup culture in Japan is almost non-existent. Japanese culture states that men and women should look forward to getting married. It puts a lot of pressure on singles, especially women.
When men can focus on a career, a woman is rarely “successful” if she doesn’t have a family, even if she’s smart and successful in her career.
Thus, hooking up is uncommon in Japan. If you want to hook up, you should consider specific dating apps that focus on connecting people who want casual relationships. After all, the hookup culture in Japan is only “almost” non-existent. However, you should be genuine about your intentions.
Frankly, Japan is a great option if you’re interested in serious relationships. Most women want to have families with kids, and they are more likely to become housewives. If that’s your vision of a perfect marriage, then consider this country for sure.
Now that you know some of the most important facts before dating a Japanese or Chinese Brides , let’s proceed with tips on how to impress and conquer a lady from Japan.
Tips On How To Date A Japanese Woman
You would be surprised, but it’s common in Japan to go on the first date after the two declare that they like each other. In most countries, people start dating, go on a couple of dates, perhaps, kiss, and then start dating seriously. In Japan, you say you like someone before asking for a first date. So, before asking a Japanese woman on a date, you have to hint at least that you like her. But that’s just general information; now check out more valuable tips.
Splitting The Bill
One would assume that women in Japan expect men to pay the bill, given the traditional type of society in the country, but that’s not the case. Usually, men and women in Japan prefer to split the bill, with a few exceptions.
If a Japanese woman is still a student, she might not have enough money to pay for herself, especially if she doesn’t yet have a job. However, the common etiquette in Japan has a tradition called “warikan.” Simply put, it means that a woman asks her date what her “share” of the bill would be.
In some cases, women are OK with not splitting the bill. How can you tell what to do? It’s easy. If at a restaurant, she insists on splitting the bill, do not argue with her. If she asks for her “share” of the bill, consider saying that you’ll pay. If she insists and still asks about the warikan, consider letting her pay for dessert, coffee, etc. But if she says nothing when you put out the wallet and pay at a restaurant, then you have no problems at all.
Long Weekend Dates
If it’s the weekend, and you don’t plan to spend the entire weekend with your girlfriend, you must not be interested in her! Even if you love her, she will believe that you don’t prioritize her. It’s OK to spend the entire day with your girlfriend and then dedicate the other day to your friends or family. But one day belongs to your Japanese girlfriend!
Meeting Parents
Typically, boyfriends and girlfriends meet parents only when things are 100% serious. If you’re not yet planning to marry your Japanese woman, don’t even ask her to introduce you to her parents. It’s called sending mixed signals since she will expect a proposal. Her parents will too, and you don’t want to mess with her parents if you’re thinking about your mutual future.
Public Displays Of Affection
Public displays of affection (or PDA) are uncommon in Japan. You can cuddle all you want in private, but not when walking on the streets. Restaurants have private cabins where you can cuddle and kiss. There are beautiful beaches, parks, cinemas, etc. But avoid expressing PDAs since it will only make your girlfriend uncomfortable.
Always Find Time For A Girlfriend
Here’s an insight tip for you: Japanese men are too occupied with building their careers to spend time with their loved ones. As a result, many Japanese women aren’t satisfied with dating local guys, so they turn to foreign guys, hoping they are different.
Japan is a traditional society where the man is the main breadwinner in the family. Thus, men want to be successful in providing for their families, while a woman is supposed to take care of the kids and the household. This tradition is changing, but slowly.
Thus, men don’t spend enough time with their girlfriends, even though they have their best interests in mind. You can use this fact to your advantage and win the heart of a Japanese woman.