Nowadays, a lot of us are making the switch to using environmentally friendly products. Reusable shopping bags and paper instead of plastic packaging are becoming the norm and we can continue to all do our bit by helping to cut back on single-use plastic, both individually and within the workplace. There are a few changes we can make to help our businesses be a little bit more eco-friendly including the use of reusable mailing bags. We’ll explore more about them below!
For an e-commerce company, printed mailing bags are essential. Packing and sending out orders rely on these plastic packets. Unfortunately, a lot of mailing bags are single-use and therefore end up in landfill sites when your customer has received their order. By switching to reusable mailing bags, you can contribute to a greener way of packaging. When you use these reusable bags, your customer can then recycle them when they’re done with them, breaking the cycle of plastic heading to the landfill, and taking many years to degrade. It all adds up and making this one small change can make a big difference to our planet.
High-quality materials
Just because it’s eco-friendly, that doesn’t mean compromising on quality. Just as plastic mailing packets are strong and can withstand conditions of transit, recyclable packages are too! You don’t have to compromise on the safety of your package’s contents either. Designed with the highest quality material, you can assure your customers package will arrive in the best condition.
Customise your packaging
Not only are mailing bags good for the environment, but they can also be customised to suit your brand. With high-quality printing and fine detailing guaranteed, you can make sure your e-commerce branding is identifiable in a quick glance. Whether you choose a colour scheme that reflects your company or use your recognisable logo, you can make sure your customer knows exactly what is coming through their door and where it’s coming from.
Company values
Switching to eco-friendly products will be popular with your customers. Brands that align with their customer’s own personal values show that you both have a common goal or interest. Showing that you are environmentally conscious of your products and packaging will help to attract customers that may have shopped elsewhere in the past.
Other products
When you’ve opted for your customised reusable mailing bags, why stop there? There are a range of other packaging solutions that your business can use to help the planet. You could introduce reusable cotton bags for shopping – you could even make them a gift sent out with orders. Like eco-friendly mailing bags, you can design your cotton shoppers in line with your brand with a specific colour or logo, the possibilities are endless. Not only that, but these bags will also make for a little bit of promotion whenever one of your customers uses theirs to carry their shopping, helping you to spread the word about your brand and it’s values.