The sun is crucial for the circle of life to continue. Humans and animals need plants to eat, and plants need sunlight to grow. Without its light, life forms would starve to death. Without its warmth, the planet would be transported back to the ice age.
As science and technology advances, researchers are finding out more about this giant ball of fire on which we depend. It’s a significant resource available free of cost, so there must be more ways to maximize its use. Thousands of years ago, the Egyptians studied the shadows of the sun. This led to the invention of the sundial, which evolved to become the clock we have hanging in our home and beeping on our appliances. Many more inventions followed, making life easier for humans today.
In recent times though, the sun started getting a bad reputation because of its effects on the skin. While you shouldn’t forget to wear sunscreen outdoors, don’t completely stay out of the sun. You could be missing out on many mental and physical health benefits. Allow the sun to enter your life and harness the energy it gives you. Here are three ways the sun can improve your life, making you healthier and happier.
1. It Shares Energy
The health benefits of the sun aren’t limited to physical health but can also include financial and environmental health. Solar energy is a renewable, inexhaustible, and affordable source of energy that is readily available for all. Many homes have turned to solar panels to reduce their electricity bill and carbon footprint. With no upfront costs, leasing solar panels is also rapidly gaining popularity as a cost-effective option.
Solar energy or photovoltaic (PV) energy converts sunlight into electricity, which can be used for all electrical devices. Solar lights, ventilation, water heaters and many other solar-powered household appliances are available. Due to the positive impact of energy-efficiency on the environment, some countries even offer tax rebates to incentivize going green.
The future for solar energy is bright. Solar transportation has been introduced in the form of solar boats and buses. Solar-powered cars are on the horizon and may soon enter the market for personal use too. Such purchases can change your life radically. Think about it, no more worrying about gas prices or waiting in line at the electric charging station. It can do wonders for both your monthly budget and mental health.
2. It Improves Mental and Physical Health
You don’t need scientific evidence to recognize the effect sunshine has on your general mood. Most people just feel better on a bright and sunny day. It’s like a warm hug from an old friend. Sunlight can release endorphins and lower cortisol, thereby reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. Just a simple walk in the park on a sunny day can do wonders for your stress levels.
The opposite is also true. Spending too long away from the sun can worsen your mood. People living in places where sunlight is scarce, especially in winter, feel the brunt of this phenomenon. Seasonal affective disorder is a common form of depression associated with winter months. Management of SAD includes light therapy as the lack of light seems to trigger the condition. If you don’t have adequate access to sunlight, consider buying light therapy lamps to help get you through this phase.
Along with these direct effects, sunlight indirectly helps you acquire a healthy lifestyle. It regulates your circadian rhythm, your body’s internal clock. This makes it easier for you to fall asleep at night and wake up feeling refreshed. When the sun’s out, you’re more likely to go outdoors and be physically active. Evidence also links sunlight to better cardiac and lung health and stronger immune response to infections.
3. It Disinfects Naturally
A lesser-known fact about sunlight is that it can kill pathogens on surfaces, if given adequate time and exposure. Historically, clothes were hung outdoors after washing. This was initially believed to be for drying purposes, but the hidden benefit of disinfection was discovered later. Ultraviolet light has now been scientifically shown to reduce microbial loads.
Along with laundry, you can freshen up your furniture upholstery or mattresses by leaving them out in the sun. Just 30 to 60 minutes of exposure after washing can help remove stubborn blotches and freshen up the fabric. This reduces dependency on chemical-based cleaning products, which may be harmful for you and your home in the long run.
This superpower of sunlight has been further utilized to reduce water-borne diseases in underprivileged areas. Research shows that sunlight can now be used to disinfect contaminated water. This is a scientific breakthrough that can save lives of those who don’t have access to clean water sources. More studies like these are needed to find more ways of making sunlight our sustainable superhero.
Exploring the sunny side of life can be eye-opening. So next time, you stop to see a beautiful sunset, don’t brush it off as just a pretty sight. It’s nature’s own powerhouse that is willing to share its beauty, light, and warmth with you. It’s up to you, whether you return to your flickering screens or wrap up some of that sunshine goodness. Make the right choice for the sake of your health and the health of future generations.