Graduating from high school can be a momentous occasion in a young person’s life, and preparing for the next chapter is important. There are all kinds of options for a young adult at this stage, and taking the time to figure out what the right steps are for you is essential. If you are a high school senior who is feeling unsure about what comes next, or a parent who wants to help their teenager figure out what they want to do, consider the following options for life after high school.
1. Travel
The world is a big place, and seeing as much of it as you can while you’re young could be a wonderful and educational experience. Not only can traveling be a lot of fun, but it is a great chance to experience other cultures and deepen your understanding of the world. This is also a good option for those who would prefer to take a break from education before attending college if this is their long-term plan or who simply want time to figure out what they want to do with their lives before making any commitments. Whether you choose to travel for a few months or a year, sharing this experience with friends could be a fantastic opportunity.
2. Go to College
This option is one that a lot of parents might prefer for their kids, and it is certainly a great choice. Not only is getting a degree an incredible achievement but attending college can also teach you how to be more independent and allow you the opportunity to meet new people and make life-long friends. You can always go to college later in life, but attending as a younger adult could make it easier for you to get the full college experience in terms of social events, as well as potentially improving your career prospects at an earlier stage. You can use CampusReel’s college admission calculator to help prepare for your application.
3. Pursue a Career Straight from High School
While a degree can help strengthen your career options, there are plenty of interesting and lucrative paths that you can pursue without one. For those who don’t feel that college is the right choice for them, deciding to start a career path straight from high school could be a great option to look into. You can start earning a salary and save from a younger age, and you may also benefit from on-the-job training to develop your professional skillset.
4. Volunteer for Charity
Finally, another interesting option for those who aren’t sure what to do after high school is getting involved in charity work. This can be a good choice for those who might want to get some work experience while they are deciding what they want to do with their lives. It’s also a fantastic opportunity to give back to your local community, so you can have peace of mind that you are spending your time doing something positive.
If you are a student or a parent of a student who is in their final year of high school and trying to figure out what to do next, consider these options and whether or not any speak to you.