Caption: Nowadays, marketers have many digital tools at their disposal
Regardless of the product that is being sold, marketing is a crucial component of any business. Brands must have action plans in place to strategically sell their products in a way that makes their potential customers want to interact. In years gone by this was easier said than done, but nowadays, thanks to technology, there is no excuse for a brand not to drive sales with online marketing.
The digitization of marketing methods has wholly transformed how companies grab the attention of new and existing consumers. In this article we take a deeper look at just a few of the ways tech innovations and tools have revolutionized the landscape of marketing.
Reaching the Target Audience is Easier
There truly has never been more ways to market a product to customers than there is today. Just think about it- marketing professionals have social media networks, landing pages, mobile apps, and a handful of other tools where they can spread the news about an item, product, or emerging campaign.
For example, physical retail stores that were once only able to reach customers in their local area can now run e-commerce operations and marketing efforts digitally, casting a wider net that results in more virtual visitors, clicks, and sales.
WOM Marketing is More Efficient
WOM Marketing or ‘Word of Mouth’ Marketing is an old-school method of marketing that relies on the fact that a person will become interested in a product as it comes up in conversation with fellow consumers in daily dialogue. This is a great option for marketers because it is free advertising, but without technology, WOM marketing often falls flat. However, with digital marketing, the WOM strategy is given room to thrive.
An illustration of this can be seen in the landscape of the online sports betting industry that is currently flourishing in the U.S. As more providers enter the scene, a variety of offers, such as free bets, are helping to promote different legalized sportsbooks. Let’s say a dedicated sports fan in Pennsylvania sees this type of offer and calls their best friend in Colorado, who is also a major sports enthusiast, to tell them about it. They may even share the link directly. Just like that, a WOM marketing connection with another consumer across the country has been made.
Caption: Because consumer data is stored safely, brands have useful information to refer back to anytime they need it
Data Enables Brands to Learn about their Customers
When brands launch new campaigns in today’s digital world, they are able to analyze consumer actions with the help of data analytics that store the information neatly in one place. This is hugely beneficial for companies, as they can look back on and make sense of the data in order to plan for future launches.
For example, imagine a popular online shoe store introduces a campaign targeted towards college students going back to school. However, when the campaign ends and the data is examined, the brand’s marketing team notices that the majority of sales did not come from people who make up that population. With this information, marketers can come up with strategies and action plans to ensure that the next campaign is better organized to suit certain demographics. Without these analytics, it can be hard to know what might have gone wrong.
SEO Strategies Drive Organic Traffic
While WOM marketing may drive traffic to a site, SEO, or ‘Search Engine Optimization’ strategies are what makes this traffic continuous. Technology has taken SEO to new heights, ensuring that a brand’s content rates high in search engines. This is a very cost-effective way to improve a website’s position so that more and more potential customers will take action.
Brands that want to improve their digital marketing strategies are onboarding teams of specialists who are SEO experts. If you happen to be based in Sydney, consider these helpful tips in the hiring process. One thing’s for certain- without SEO, a brand’s visibility in the online environment is destined to diminish in the long-run.