Playing online rummy games can win you cash prizes, and not just once, but rather again and again. Though winning a rummy game is not easy, in fact, you have to prepare yourself with much-needed information. Before your advance to play your favourite rummy game, you have gone through this full 5-points checklist for playing rummy online. The checklist includes selection of an online rummy game, use of joker and other information that will take you to win smoothly.
Select Your Rummy Game Wisely
There are multiple rummy types from which you can pick your favourite one. While choosing your rummy game, ensure you know everything about it. The more you know the game; the more will be the chances of winning. There are three major Indian rummy types– 13 Cards Rummy, 21 Cards Rummy, and Gin Rummy. 13 Cards Rummy is the most popular rummy game amongst Indians, but is it yours? Do you have first hands-on experience with this game? If not, choose from the remaining twos, and also ascertain that you have selected the game where you have the maximum chance of winning.
Ensure Precise Arrangement of Entire Card Deck
A proper card arrangement enables the cardholder to have a precise view of all cards. Any precisely arranged hand of cards is easy to mix as well. It reduces the risk of accidentally discarding the cards you need. A precise arrangement of the entire card deck gives a clear idea of cards that you don’t require. It is also a decent idea to have card arrangements in alternate black-red combos so that you can distinguish between the suit of playing cards.
The best way of card management is to start from the left, commencing with the pure sequence. The rest of your cards can be mixed to the right. The unwanted cards can be melded and placed on the rightmost side because it becomes easy to discard those cards. Undoubtedly, it’s all your discretion how you want to do card arrangement when you play online rummy games.
Know How & When to Use Joker in Rummy
While playing rummy games online, don’t forget the joker. It is always good to remember that the joker selected at random is called the wild card joker. Generally, the beginners discard this joker unknowingly, which usually becomes a wrong decision as the game progresses.
One more thing you should do is to try and discard the cards with a similar sequence and stay nearer to the rank of that wild card joker. Most of the time, you won’t use those cards to meld.
Try to Get Pure Sequences in Your Rummy Type
When you are playing online rummy games, your first task should be having a pure sequence. The pure sequence results from mixing three or more cards coming from the same deck. You should focus on building a pure sequence because you need it to declare the winning hand. Even when other players put their cards, your pure sequence will ascertain that you get your points.
After getting the wild card joker that you can mix in the pure sequence, ensure you use it as a regular card to create a pure sequence. It might help you in minimizing the points after other players end the game.
Keep Tracking Your Opponent’s Cards
Like melding your own card’s sequence, you should also need to keep track of the cards your opponent has discarded. As you memorise them, move forward and ascertain that you only declare the cards your opponent doesn’t need. Gradually, you will have an idea about the cards your opponent would be holding. When your opponent picks more and more cards from that open deck, remain assured that he is about the declare the game.
Online rummy games are undoubtedly thrilling and give you cash prizes, but to get this, you need to emerge as the winner. Losing a rummy game means you will lose your money. Making a checklist helps you understand the game in a better way like you can easily pick your game from varied rummy types. Once you picked the game that gives you the confidence of winning, learn to make a pure sequence of cards, and use of joker.