Does mileage matter? If you’re someone who is buying a used car, you need to know if your money is invested in the right place. Mileage alone cannot be the deciding factor to evaluate a good machine.
It is important to find out if a used car is good before you purchase it. Car history reports are a great way to find out if a car is good or bad. Comprehensive revs check will tell you how many miles it has traveled, how often it has been serviced, and if there have been any accidents.
For a 10-year-old car, mileage and other components need to be checked and examined for all safety standards. Planning to buy a 10-year-old car is a challenging job. With the performance of the car in question, a lot of other stuff also affects the mileage.
How Many Miles Is a Good Deal?
A general rule assumes that the average car owner drives 12000 miles per year; this simplifies the math for purchasing a used car. A reasonable mileage for a car used for four years, for example, would be 48000 miles.
The assumption we make may be a good idea to make an ideal assumption about the vehicle’s condition, but we should also consider several other factors. Mileage alone depends upon the condition of the car and how it is used previously.
Should You Buy A 10-Year-Old Car?
Before making any decision, you should find out all the pros and cons of the car you are eying on. Making sure of the working condition can be the first thing you can do. Taking the car to a verified mechanic to test its condition is also a good idea.
A car is not good based on how many miles it has run. The way the previous owner used the car plays a major factor in determining the condition of the car. A look into the history report of the car can be a beneficial way.
The engines, gearbox, and other necessary items of the car are as important as mileage to determine the condition of a good car. A car running 12000 miles per year is not a bad deal if the maintenance cycle and the condition of spare parts are good.
A 10-year old car can have a lot of problems if not maintained and serviced properly. If you want to save money you should look into its inside and out.
If there were more owners of the car previously then you should rethink buying the car. Previous ownership history and the way they used the car can make a lot of impact in the long term.
Checking the gear, the timing belt, and other necessary components and making sure they function properly can help you get a great deal even if the car is used for 10 years.
So, if a 10-year-old car has run 120K miles or less it is probably a good deal.
However, all the necessary insights should be addressed properly. Poor research and selection can lead to long-term damage. Buying a used car and on top of that, a car old enough to be replaced needs to be done wisely.
If you are buying a 10-year-old car, you better know the history of the car. Apart from everything make sure you don’t forget to check all the things mentioned above.