Metformin Explained
Metformin is a drug that is used today to help treat high blood pressure levels typically associated with Type 2 Diabetes. The drug itself has been around for nearly 30 years, dating back to when it was first approved by the FDA in 1995. Metformin belongs to the biguanides class of drugs, and it primarily works to control the levels of sugar found in the blood. Our bodies typically absorb glucose from the foods that we eat, however it is also largely produced by the liver, as well.
Metformin works to lower the amounts of sugar found in our blood by decreasing the overall levels of glucose being produced and absorbed. Ultimately, the drug works in three unique ways; It works to make our bodies more sensitive to insulin, it lowers our body’s overall absorption of sugars, and it lowers our body’s overall sugar production, as well. It can also work to target several different age-related health issues that typically arise further down the road such as age-related diseases.
How Metformin Helps with Body Aches & Pains
As previously mentioned, metformin is primarily prescribed to help treat high glucose levels in those with type 2 diabetes. However, it also can also help to minimize body aches and chronic pain that those with type 2 diabetes often experience. Many patients have stated that they’ve noticed a significant decrease in their overall pain levels after taking metformin. It’s also noted that the defensive effects Metformin has on the body and the musculoskeletal system appear to be relatively higher in the female demographic.
According to Frontiers in Pharmacology, metformin tends to act as a disease-modifying drug and indirectly activates AMPK or activated protein kinase. Once this becomes activated, phosphorylated AMPK stops the mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) pathways, thus reversing any pathological pain or pain plasticity within the body. In simpler terms, the drug works to help reverse commonly experienced symptoms of pain and body aches, especially among those suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Other Benefits Associated with Metformin’s Use
Aside from metformin’s ability to help reduce body aches and pains, there are also several other benefits associated with its use. These other benefits are a large reason that metformin is so commonly prescribed today.
Slows the aging process
Metformin has been studied and suggested to help slow down the aging process. It’s been suggested through studies to increase the overall lifespan of several different species. It could be due to metformin’s ability to lower insulin resistance and help the body better regulate insulin levels.
Lowers chances of developing cancer
Metformin has been studied on a variety of different species and has been noted to have an extremely high therapeutic response on their cancer cells. Not only does it help to reduce the chances of proliferation, but it also helps to minimize the growth of tumors, as well. In fact, a study published by The US National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health stated that metformin has been proven to reduce the overall chances of developing cancer by nearly 23%. Not only does it help to minimize the chances of developing cancer, but it also helps to prevent the growth of cancer cells primarily in the prostate, colon, and lungs.
Reduces the risk of cognitive impairment with aging
Insulin resistance has been noted to contribute to cognitive impairment and cognitive deterioration. As previously stated, metformin works primarily to help reduce the body’s resistance to insulin, which in turn would have a direct impact on the chances of the body developing cognitive-related issues down the road.
Metformin helps facilitate weight loss
Metformin also helps to impact our body’s hunger cues or the cues that we experience that help us to know that we’re hungry. Because of this, metformin may also help users to experience weight loss. Metformin also impacts our body’s gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) in a way that helps to facilitate weight loss among users, as well.
Where to Purchase Metformin Online
As new uses for metformin continue to be discovered, it’s no secret that many individuals are left wondering where they can purchase their first script from. Metformin can be easily found by doing a simple internet search. However, if you’re looking for a trusted company that many individuals get prescribed their metformin through today, look no further than AgelessRx. AgelessRx is a company that specializes in prescription therapies. They have a team of experienced professionals you can have your free online consultation with to ensure that metformin is the right fit for you! From there, you can easily purchase your metformin in either a monthly or quarterly dosage. If any of the health concerns mentioned above sound like things that you are currently experiencing, then metformin may be a great option for you to consider!