The future of sports & medicine with marijuana doctor identifies ten areas in which sports and recreational use of marijuana may be transformed shortly. These include participation in regulated sports and programs, recognition of players’ abilities, improved skills and fitness, development of new training regimens, and the implementation of new techniques.
As medical studies continue to produce knowledge about the many positive benefits of the plant, there is an increasing expectation that it will soon become accepted as a legitimate form of medicine. Currently, marijuana is classified as a drug with a high potential for abuse and has no approved medicinal use. As new studies are published and the facts surrounding this controversial herb become more widely known, Pennsylvania’s top-rated marijuana doctors have a lot to say regarding the use of marijuana in sports.
Many sports programs across the country have focused on the use of marijuana to help players perform at a higher level of competence. In some cases, the athletes use marijuana to alleviate the chronic pain they are experiencing due to injuries or overuse. In other instances, the athletes use the drug to increase their performance. There are several questions and issues regarding the use of marijuana by sports medicine professionals. Here are some of the ways through which marijuana has been seen to help;
Decreases inflammation from strenuous exercise
Both THC and CBD in marijuana help in managing inflammation, especially after exercise. Cannabinoids have elements that exert their effects through inhibiting cell proliferation from helping with inflammation, and these elements also help with the suppression of cytokine production.
Offers relaxation and better sleep
The use of marijuana tends to have relaxing effects on the users, and they have long been known to treat insomnia. Athletes and sportsmen require plenty of sleep and rest at night, which helps grow their muscles and speed the recovery process.
Help players and athletes stay focused
While it’s clear that many athletes use the drug to help them stay focused during practices and games, there is still some controversy surrounding whether or not marijuana use is safe. The use of marijuana carries enormous risks for the user, including the possibility of impaired judgment, decreased productivity, and even accidents. The results, however, differ with different people, and often, the opposite of these effects is true. Most current marijuana doctors don’t feel that it’s appropriate for athletes to use the drug.
It helps relieve chronic pain
Most sports professionals claim that it’s a better alternative to most professional athletes’ dangerous painkillers. Some of the most prominent sports figures have come out in support of marijuana. Will the upcoming wave of sports figures come to the defense of marijuana use? If these statements are anything to go by, it may be time for the sports medicine profession to adopt stricter policies. If the potential for addiction and danger is ignored, then the future of sports and medicine may be in trouble.
Marijuana is a potential painkiller
For athletes and sportsmen, using opioids as painkillers tends to have a better option with marijuana. It is widely known that opioids are commonly used in place for painkillers, and many users get addicted to opioids. This might, however, not be the case for those using marijuana as painkillers. Many other benefits come with the use of marijuana, and marijuana has the upper hand, especially since it is a naturally occurring treatment compared to opioids.
Should the use of marijuana be legalized? This would represent a huge step forward for the medical field. Perhaps it is time to start making laws based on the idea that “something is better than nothing.” Legalizing the use of marijuana might encourage more athletes to discuss their use of the drug openly.
What about the sportsmen that partake in the use of marijuana?
The future of sports and medicine might see many sportsmen using drugs such as marijuana. Some countries have already made it illegal to use these types of drugs for recreational use. The future of sports and medicine with marijuana is an interesting topic that deserves further attention. The legal implications of legalized marijuana use are essential, but what about today’s social issues? Will people who use marijuana ever be accepted into sports teams or other organizations? If so, will they be allowed the same access to recreational sports that others have?