I know you have experienced getting bitten by an ant at least once or twice in your entire lifespan. Ants are common pests at home. You can see them crawling around the walls, ceilings, floorings, and almost everywhere around your house.
Ants are ordinary household intruders every homeowner has seen. Although the shade and height of ants vary depending on the species, they can be identified by their six legs, three distinct body regions, bent antennae, and chewing mouthparts.
The three castes or groups of ants are:
fertile males
These three groups make up their organized colonies. While searching for food, worker ants enter our homes and move throughout our yards. Reproductive members, such as males and queens, have wings.
Controlling and eradicating them is difficult due to their large invasion numbers and numerous nesting locations.
The Dangers of Ants
The majority of the ants we encounter in our homes are nuisances; hence, their appearance must always be looked into and promptly removed.
Food and surfaces can be contaminated by ants’ pathogens and other bacteria.
In addition, moisture also draws numerous ant species, such as the stinky house ant. Their presence frequently serves as a warning sign for an underlying moisture issue.
What Attracts Ants?
As long as there is access to shelter, food, and water, ants can live anywhere, urban, suburban, or rural. If you want to completely avoid or eliminate them, hire pest control Gilbert AZ companies annually or as needed.
A. Food
Accessible trash cans, dustbins, and composting areas are the food sources that ants are most frequently drawn to on a property.
It is typical for ants to enter your home through cracks in the foundation, spaces under doors, or holes in damaged screens while searching your property for food.
Additionally, they will raid the gardens, outdoor dining areas, and pet bowls for food.
B. Safe Locations
Despite the fact that ants usually construct their nesting sites underground, they can also identify specific areas of your house to be a secure nesting location.
They get inside through tiny holes and cracks in the walls, and once they’re there, they build their nests within your walls or even behind floorboards. Certain ant species join a much greater colony.
C. Water
To survive and establish a colony, ants require a constant supply of water.
A leaky pipe or an abundance of moisture will draw ants into your house. Where there is an abundance of moisture, like under lavatory tiles or the sink, ants are frequently found.
When they locate a reliable source of water, they will repeatedly return to bring it to their nest and store it for later use.
Tips On Getting Rid of Ants On Your Homes
As mentioned above, the best way to completely avoid or eliminate them is by hiring pest control Gilbert Arizona companies yearly or as you see fit.
Here are some natural cures for minor ant infestations that you can try.
E. Peppermint Oil
Ants can’t stand the strong scent of peppermint, so it deters them from entering the residence.
Wherever you see ants, make a solution with peppermint essential oil and water. Afterward, sprinkle the mixture on them. Since peppermint has a strong aroma, ants will likely stay away from areas where it is present.
F. Vinegar
White vinegar’s smell is intolerable to ants. Combine equal parts water and vinegar to create a solution. Keep this remedy on hand and scatter it where ants enter the residence.
G. Borax
A mineral interfering with the ant’s digestive process is called borax.
With borax, sugar, and water, make a borax mixture. Set the mixture close to ant piles or anywhere you find ants in small containers with narrow, ant-sized openings.
H. Coffee grounds
Coffee grounds are a tried-and-true method for keeping ants away. Either the scent or texture deters ants.