When setting up your CVA Cascade 243 to suit the way you shoot, there are many factors that need to be considered. There’s barrel length, how long your sling is set and there’s trigger pull – something that can have a major effect on how tight your grouping is.
Most shooters will agree setting up your trigger heavy is not a wise move, with the preferred option being smooth and light. However, you don’t want to go too light either, as you don’t want to accidentally fire your rifle when a breeze blows over it!
Out of the factory, the Cascade 243’s trigger is set to around 3 lbs, so if this is too heavy for your needs, you’ll need to adjust it. That’s what we examine in this article, as we give you a few pointers on how to get the job done. In fairness, it’s not complicated – you just need to know what you’re doing.
How to Adjust Your CVA Cascade 243 Trigger Pull
First things first, you should get out your owner’s manual and then throw it in the bin! That’s because while the job used to involve taking the trigger out of the stock, that’s no longer necessary. Now it’s possible to adjust your trigger weight using a screw that’s found above the trigger, on the outside of the trigger housing.
You’ll notice that the CVA Cascade 243 has a hexagon screw in this location that you’ll need a hex wrench to operate. In order to lower the tension on your trigger, you’ll be turning the screw in a counter-clockwise direction, with the opposite being required to heighten it.
However, what you’ll soon discover is that the amount of turns you make sometimes equates to a consistent raising or lowering of pressure, but not always. What we found was that you have to make several turns before checking the change with an analogue or digital gauge.
To gauge things accurately, you’ll need to ensure that you always seat the hook in the centre of the trigger, rather than at the top or the bottom. You’ll also need to make sure that you hold the gauge straight and not at an angle, or it will affect the reading.
Getting Your CVA Cascade 243 Set Up Perfectly
You’ll know when you’ve gotten your trigger pressure right because your accuracy will improve. Any shooter will tell you that the littlest difference at the shooting end can result in wild differences in the trajectory of the fired bullet.
As such, you need to set your rifle’s trigger to pop at just the right moment. It might take a little trial and error to get it perfect, but it shouldn’t take too long to get things just right and feel confident that your aim is true.
There are so many variables involved in firing at a target and hitting it on a consistent basis, and your trigger weight is one of the most crucial of them all. Too loose, and you’re firing before you meant to and too heavy, and it can affect your whole technique.
Spend a little time getting this aspect right, and you’ll be glad you did, as you’ll enjoy your hunting a whole lot more.