The mellifluous lexicon of Latin America is woefully incomplete without its beautiful curse words. From “Chinga tu madre,” (“Fuck your mother”) to, “Chupa la polla,” (“Suck my cock”) there are so many opportunities to make the people around you profoundly uncomfortable. Here are some ways to use the word, “pendejo,” in a way that destroys any relationships you do not want to keep and allows for advancements in the banter you have with your hispanic friends. “Pendejo,” is a fun word because it simply means, “dumbass.” In informal contexts, it is not so bad to call someone a dumbass. A “dumbass” does not have to be a bad person who deserves hostility and contempt. A “pendejo” can simply be someone who lost a board game or ate too many slices of pizza. Knowing appropriate use cases for the word, “pendejo,” might be challenging, so here are a few of the best use cases for this word whose very existence is an enigma.
1. Arguing With Your Parents
Let us say that you are a white person with white parents. Say that one day, your mom tells you that it is going to rain. You tell her that you cannot stand her telling you about the weather anymore, and she says that you are insanely disrespectful for your feelings of intense suffocation. In this case, simply call her a pendejo. She will feel deeply confused without feeling particularly hurt, and this will allow her to finally leave you alone. Using the word, “pendejo,” during an argument with your parents can be a great way to diffuse the situation and bring a bit of lightheartedness to the forefront of whatever problem.
2. A Dive Bar
Let us say that you are ordering food, and the bartender has left you hanging for 45 minutes. This could be a good time to call the bartender a pendejo. You can always make up for it with a nice tip. A dive bar is a fairly casual place anyway, so the hearer might just laugh it off. Calling the bartender a pendejo might even improve service. However, dive bars offer even more opportunities than this one example. Dive bars often attract people who are too unsophisticated to vaccinate themselves against these unprecedented times. If you are feeling bold, then feel free to regard these wastes of life as, “pendejos.” When they tell you that they have really good immune systems, you may assure them that they are really good pendejos. A dive bar can be a fairly chaotic place, while the word, “pendejo,” is a fairly chaotic word. Using this word may be prudent in this context.
3. Competitive Multiplayer
Online gaming presents a very good opportunity to use the word, “pendejo.” If you are losing the game because a small child is camping in a corner, then you may feel free to call that child a pendejo. He will be too small and immature to know what the word means, so you will feel catharsis while the child will feel nothing. If you are feeling ambitious, then you may aim this word at older people, including people who are older than you. They cannot find out where you live and so on, so you have a rare opportunity to be as verbally abusive as possible.
4. A Baseball Game
If you are attending a baseball game, then you may be rooting for a particular team. Perhaps a team’s performance will impact your entire demeanor for the rest of the month. If you are rooting for a particular team, then it may not perform the way you want it to. Let us say that the bases are loaded, and the batter has failed to score a run. Clearly, this batter is a pendejo. If you are feeling generous, then you may call the pitcher a pendejo, though the pitcher may only be a pendejo if the batter scores a walk. Feel free to use “pendejo” as an insult toward people who have nothing to do with you or your life.
5. A Spanish Class
Show your passion for the Spanish language by throwing some curse words into the mix. Try calling your classmates or teachers pendejos, and see what happens. They may appreciate the fervor with which you regard this language. A Spanish class is a place in which to learn Spanish. It is a place wherein one may learn the various nouns, verbs, and conjugations of the language. You might even learn about adjectives in the midst of a Spanish class. A Spanish class is one of many contexts for which the usage of the word, “pendejo,” is appropriate. Over the course of just one year, a Spanish class can completely change the way you interact with hispanic people in your everyday life.