Nobody wants to go to jail. Getting locked up is lonely and depressing. Most people wouldn’t wish it upon their worst enemy unless they deserve it! People who commit murder and any other heinous crimes most definitely get what is coming to them. Not everybody who goes to jail is bad; some people are wrongly accused of breaking the law.
But imagine going to jail because you punched your Domino’s pizza driver after he forgot your garlic knots! Yes, exactly as you read, that actually happened! That would be a pretty hilarious story to tell your bail bondsman. While most people just make stupid decisions that land them behind bars, some of the reasons why people spend time behind those bars are truly hilarious.
Punching a Domino’s Driver
When he realized his order wasn’t fulfilled, a local resident let his hangry out on a Domino’s Driver. It was 48-year-old Robert Wheeler who ordered a pizza and some garlic knots to be delivered to his house. When the driver arrived, Wheeler realized that there were no garlic knots, which some would say was an innocent mistake by the driver, but not according to Wheeler!
The next thing you know, this 346-pound giant storms out of his house, heading towards the delivery man’s car. The 19-year-old delivery man Jonathon Feigen didn’t even have time to exit his vehicle before Wheeler threw a punch through the window, striking him in the left eye. Wheeler admitted to the crime, and it is unknown how long he spent in jail, but the worst part of it all is that he didn’t even get to take a bite of his pizza.
Reading that story definitely seems like a Florida incident, and I’m sure those bail bondsmen over there are probably sick of the stupid things that land people in jail. It would be a lot harder for a Utah bail bonds company to believe that one because the community is much more mellow.
Not Returning an Overdue Library Book
We have all had overdue books before but have you ever spent a night in jail because of it? That is precisely what happened to New Mexico resident Lori Teel. She borrowed the first Twilight novel and the film but forgot to return them. About two years later, she was fined a whopping $36 in fines for failing to return both items.
Then one day, the police visited her home due to a disturbance complaint; they discovered that she had some outstanding fines and placed her under arrest in front of her five children. She was taken to jail, spent the night behind bars, and later tried suing the city for the trauma but didn’t get anywhere.
Not Deleting a Facebook Account
Paula Asher had too much to drink one night and ran into the back of another vehicle before fleeing the scene. Being the comedian that she was, she went on Facebook and commented that she had gotten a DUI and hit a car.
Things didn’t go all that well when those involved in the accident told their side of things to the judge. Asher claimed that her original post was just a funny joke, but the judge didn’t see how that could be funny. The judge then ordered her to delete her Facebook account, which she didn’t. As a result, the judge sent her to jail for 48 hours.
There are many different reasons one could end up in jail, but do you really have to spend a night in jail after not returning a library book? Remember that doing stupid things might not seem like they would land you in jail, but after reading this, you should know they might. So be careful in what you do! It never hurts to be extra cautious.
The last thing you want is to show up to an interview and not get the job because you have a history of punching somebody over some $5 garlic knots, which resulted in a night in jail.