Pay More Attention to Outfit Styling
I’ve recently done a lot of work on my appearance, and I encourage you to do the same! Everyone is unique, with different eye and hair color and skin tones, so what works for one person might not work for another. Still, paying special attention to color and pattern combinations, especially as the seasons change, is worth a try!
Just a year ago, I had no idea how to style my clothes or coordinate colors, but I did some research and have learned the importance of stylistic continuity. For instance, during the fall, I wear more reds, oranges, and yellows, and even some darker browns and beiges. During winter, blue and gray wool look great, and I’ve learned how to pick the right clothes to make my blue eyes pop.
The next time you’re out shopping, don’t randomly pick your outfits—instead, choose clothes based on your existing wardrobe or the look you want. In short, step up your game by paying attention to color and materials!
Groom and Shave Your Facial Hair
Another good tip is to take care of your facial hair. Shave it, groom it, gel it—do anything to make it look great! Like many men, I attempted to grow a big, full beard, but it made me look unappealing, especially because I neglected to trim it.
Now, I am much more meticulous about maintaining my beard’s length. I like to keep it shorter rather than longer, and make sure to get rid of my neckbeard before it becomes too long. I even get my eyebrows waxed by professionals once in a while! It makes everything easier.
Rock More Unique Accessories
Wearing great accessories is a big part of stepping up your game. You can try on a nice watch, a flashy ring, or even a pearl necklace. Although pearl necklaces have long been associated with femininity, lately, they have become synonymous with strong, confident men. New accessories have the power to complement your outfit and make you look that much more interesting and attractive!
The overarching idea here is to keep things fresh and exciting. Looking better may begin with good hygiene and clothing, but it always ends with outstanding additions. Even if you’re wearing business attire, there are plenty of ways to stand out—for example, you could put on a tie or handkerchief with subtle colors and patterns!
As with most things, it’s best not to go overboard. You don’t want to wear too much bling, or you just may come off as desperate and over-the-top!
Stay Young with a Facelift
After decades of stress and aging, you probably miss looking young and fresh. The good news is that you no longer have to yearn for your younger years—you could consult a facial plastic surgeon and get a male facelift. This procedures shaves years off your appearance, fixes sagging skin, and redefines your best features.
Why not elevate your appearance with youthful continuity?
Change Up That Hairstyle
Certain hairstyles can be a major turn-off. What’s more, certain hairstyles are associated with certain group of people. For example, punk-rockers like to sport huge liberty spikes, and D&D nerds who stay inside all day prefer ponytails. Unfortunate as it may be, it’s human nature to label people, so don’t get caught up in the stereotypes and tweak your hairstyle!
You could opt for a more youthful-looking trim: short and spiked, combed and middle-parted, or slicked back with shaved sides. On your next salon visit, ask your barber to switch things up, and see where it takes you!
Another good way to step up your game is to dye your hair. This doesn’t necessarily mean to go for red, green, or blue—just use dye that is the same color as your natural hair! You’ve probably noticed grays in the mirror, so go to the store, buy a pack of good dye, and make your whole head of hair look young, vibrant, and natural.