If you have just started a small business and are struggling with the mammoth task of getting the word out, you’re not alone. Like you, many business owners struggle to acquire customers in the beginning, there can be a high cost involved, along with the time that will be spent maintaining the campaign and its results. Most of the time, the easiest way to get your product seen by more people is to invest in either pay-per-click (PPC) or search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. But which method is most suitable for you and your business?
It’s going to depend on what your business goals are and how much you are willing to spend. Hiring an external web development services team can be a great way to get a grasp on your options if you aren’t sure. In the meantime, find a breakdown between the two campaign options below.
PPC, or pay-per-click, is a form of marketing where you pay a publisher for each click a potential customer makes on an ad. This model works well because it only charges the business with each successful interaction. If they don’t click the link, you don’t pay.
A PPC advertising campaign won’t improve your organic search ranking the same way SEO does. It instead helps you display your ads to potential customers when they are searching for a business that offers your services. Here are some of the key ways PPC can help you.
Position on the page.
Using paid ads guarantees your spot at the top of the results page. The first few results will be paid products so a user will always see them, even if they choose to scroll past them.
Improved ads.
PPC ads are just that: advertisements. Unlike SEO, you have much more control over what will be displayed in the advertisement, where it links to and more general space for delivering your marketing messages.
Visual product ads.
You also have the option to have visual product ads appear at the top of the results page if the client is searching for a product similar to yours. It can also appear more frequently in the ‘shop’ tab with this function as well.
PPC ads can be targeted by search keywords, time of day, day of the week, geography, language, device and audiences based on previous visits. This means that it targets exactly the people who are most likely to be interested in your product. This accuracy cannot be achieved with SEO.
SEO or search engine optimization works by including content on your site that has the potential to appear in a potential client’s relevant browsing. In other words, SEO can help your site show up more often in relevant searches. SEO works to increase the likelihood of your target audience finding you when they search keywords related to your product or service. The process of creating this targeted content may be time-consuming, but it is entirely free and a great way to get more visibility for your business. Here are some of the key ways SEO can help.
Using SEO can encourage any searches for your targeted keywords to put your business in front of potential customers in much the same way as if you were to use paid advertising, and it drives brand awareness. Especially if they are doing multiple searches and your business keeps coming up.
Credibility and trust.
Having your site return in the organic results can affect the way audiences feel about your business. Even though ads get your business at the top of the search results, many people will skip past the ads and find the organic results more trustworthy. Appearing at the top of the first page the results page gives your business that all-important stamp of approval.
Lower Price Point
Although SEO is free to use in theory, it is still a lot of work, so hiring an SEO services team in Melbourne is almost a necessity. Despite this, it’s still cheaper than traditional advertising in the long run. Once your SEO is set up and having the desired effect you can do away with paid ads entirely, and when customers decide to click on organic links as opposed to advertisements, it comes at zero cost for you.
So should I invest in SEO or PPC ads?
Whether you choose to go with SEO or PPC ultimately depends on your business situation. So take your time to work out which of the two is best for you, or if even a combination of the two strategies could be most beneficial. If you still aren’t sure about which road to take, get in touch with a web development services team and they will be able to help you make the best choice for your business.