Daily movement has the potential to benefit every component of your body, from your brain to your joints. Additionally, it is not limited to high-impact, sweat-inducing activity. It is important to stay active to reduce the risk of developing major health concerns as you get older.
Walking around the block every day or doing a brief 15-minute exercise can go a long way toward keeping you fit and healthy for many years to come. Similarly, you can visit Movement 101 home page to learn about several movements you can try.
Do you require extra persuasion to get started? Consider the following six ways that everyday movement can help you live a better, healthier life.
Fitness of the muscular system
If you do not use your muscles, their size reduces, and your joints become tight. Regular movement and a reduction in sitting time signal our bodies to wake up and remind them that we do need our muscles and our joints to move freely. In addition to improving flexibility and strength, joint use releases endorphins, which act as your body’s natural painkillers, and help to keep joints lubricated and reduce swelling. Movement not only helps in joint health maintenance over a long period, but it also helps to reduce joint pain symptoms almost immediately.
Improved sleep quality
As a result of exercise, sleep quality improves, and the amount of time in deep sleep (the most physically restorative phase) increases. It is critical that you get enough time in this stage of sleep if you want to reap the benefits of improved immune function, enhanced cardiac health, and less anxiety.
For adults, moderate to strenuous exercise can improve sleep quality by lowering the time it takes to fall asleep and so reducing the amount of time we spend awake in bed at night. Doing physical activity during the day will help you sleep better at night as well as reduce daytime tiredness because it needs you to burn calories.
Reduced stress and improved mental health
Stress can be reduced by engaging in regular physical activity. As previously mentioned, stress is a typical cause of sleep issues such as difficulty falling asleep and waking up frequently at night. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is released when you engage in physical exercise, which helps you cope with challenging circumstances.
In addition, physical activity generates feel-good chemicals that help you feel better about yourself and reduce the likelihood of developing a depressive episode. It is possible to calm the parasympathetic nervous system by engaging in mind-body exercises like yoga, reducing cortisol levels and blood pressure, allowing you to relax and improve your mood.
Improvement of respiratory functions
As the lungs supply oxygen to the body to generate energy, the heart pumps oxygen to the exercising muscles. Regular physical activity increases your endurance, which means it takes longer or more strenuous exercise to reach the point of exhaustion. It directly results from the strength you gain from regular exercise. Breathing becomes more effective, and shortness of breath becomes less prevalent as the muscles become stronger, requiring less oxygen and producing a smaller amount of carbon dioxide.
Cardiovascular health
Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle might result in the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries. If the arteries that supply blood to the heart become damaged or clogged, a heart attack can occur. It is frequently overlooked that the heart is a muscle, and when you think of exercise, you immediately think of your chest or quads, but the heart, like any other muscle, requires physical activity to function correctly. You can, therefore, prevent a heart attack or coronary disease by regular, moderate-intensity exercise.
Loss and maintenance of weight
Inactivity has been proved to be a major risk factor for weight gain and obesity many times in the past. These disorders can be avoided by improving your level of physical movement. Increasing your metabolic rate (often called “metabolism”) is made easier with regular physical activity. A healthy metabolism can be maintained at any age if you stay physically active.
It is recommended that you get at least 150 minutes of exercise a week and limit your sitting time to lessen your chances of developing health problems resulting from inactivity. Set a reminder to go for a stroll if you enjoy doing something. Try a group workout session if you are fascinated by yoga but are not confident enough to take the plunge. Even the slightest of movements can have a tremendous impact on your bodily and psychological well-being at the same time. You do not even have to change out of your pj’s to accomplish these at home.