Higher education institutions handle their Conduct Code and Title IX policies and procedures differently but they generally set strict high standards to ensure compliance with the federal government’s requirements. They tend to favor the accused to satisfy the government. Because of this, students facing Title IX violations may be at a disadvantage if they try to handle the disciplinary procedure on their own. This makes it essential for them to work with a nationwide Title IX defense lawyer. The lawyer will guide them through the complex process and protect their right at each step. The sooner the accused seek guidance, the better they can handle the entire case.
The Basics of Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that protects students and employees at federally-funded colleges and universities from discrimination based on gender or sex. A lot of issues can arise under this law including sexual harassment and assault, gender discrimination, the failure of a school to investigate sexual misconduct complaints, and others. The law governs the way higher education institutions should treat their students if a violation claim is made. Students facing a Title IX case have the right to due process before their school takes disciplinary action.
Examples of Conduct Code Violations
Public and private schools in the country have a code of conduct. Although they differ in their codes, a violation of these codes can jeopardize a student’s higher education and future. Acts such as drug possession, academic dishonesty, hazing, and underage drinking can put students into trouble. Students accused of committing any of these acts may need to attend a disciplinary hearing. This hearing’s outcome can determine the accused’s future path. Because of this, the student must know how to protect their rights. A dependable attorney can advise them, so they can avoid false accusations or very serious consequences.
Potential Criminal Charges
College students found guilty of misconduct can also violate state law. Their victims may report the incident to local authorities and the accused may be arrested and face criminal charges. Often, criminal cases and college disciplinary hearings can occur at the same time.
College students who are in this situation should hire a lawyer to handle their disciplinary and criminal cases. They should take any criminal charge seriously no matter how minor it can be. It is important to keep in mind that even a misdemeanor can lead to costly fines, jail time, or probation.